
Islam will rule the world one day? A force that cannot be stopped?

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I just heard this from some Muslims! They said some men will appear (Imam Mahdi, Jesus) with a command from god (Allah). They told me those are the signs of their appearance:

Lying, killing, stealing, raping, hate, injustice, woman acting like men and men acting like woman, g*y marriage, and many more negative things!

They said their force will be unstoppable, and too powerful for anyone, and anything. Nothing can stop them. They will start by giving Isreal back to the Muslims, than to Europe, than to America!

Get what they call al-Andalus (Spain) back. They said Islam will rule the WHOLE world?!!!!!

They told me that Jesus will be with Islam! And he'll tell all of us (Christians) to follow Islam!!!

I don't know I think this is scary, is it really gonna happen?




  1. Islam is a 500 years younger than Christianity. They are following exactly the same historical path. So, spiritually, they are in dark ages  today.

  2. That's what the British thought in the 1700's but AMERICANS stopped them.

    That's what the n**i's said in World War II but AMERICANS stopped them.

    That's what the Japanese Empire said in World War II but AMERICANS stopped them.

    That's what the Soviets said during the second half of the 20th century but AMERICANS stopped them.

    Radical Islam will be no different unless democrats get their way.  

  3. Well, by electing a Muslim for President is a good start. I am really wondering where peoples heads are these days. Why don't we just elect an illegal immigrant? Jose for President!

  4. Well, if  Muslims 'took over the world' that point, who would want it anymore, anyway?

  5. yawn.

    this is about as likely to happen as nostradamus. in conclusion, stop being scared of people who are different!

  6. The most dangerous aspect of this, is that they are willing to die for their religion, and in doing so, according to their doctrines, they obtain eternal life and happiness.  That's a scary situation indeed.  I don't know how many other people these days are willing to die to  defend their beliefs.

  7. Well if you look at the underlying causes on most of the bullsh*t in today's world.  Then I can say that Islam already rules the  

  8. I will never submit to Islam

  9. Islam has been around for a very long time and it will not take over the world.  I fear that China has a far better chance of taking over the world than Islam.

  10. i heard that 2...

  11. You guys are idiots and need to leave your box.

  12. Yeah.

    World domination plans - all religions have them.

    Christianity is no exception.

    History has shown us that ignorance + religious zealotry = death and destruction.

  13. Radical Islam will be an afterthought on the bottom of Uncle Sam's shoe.....

  14. Go spread this now. There's a monster living under your bed.

  15. I use to be a Muslim, it is just boogie man garbage.  There is no hadith saying Muslims will get back Spain considering during Muhammads life time the Muslims only ruled the Arabian pennisula.

    Muslims are paranoid and believe everything people tell them.  There is hadith about the dajjal(anti christ) the Mahdi(imam mahdi to shia) and Jesus coming back to rule the world, get married and have kids.

    But as I said it is all boogie man c**p.  

  16. The n***s said the same thing in the 30s and 40s, so did the Soviet Communists. They were mistaken.

  17. Well, being that they have a reproductive and conversion by force advantage at least over Christendom, its not hard to believe.  It is why I feel completely justified with the idea of encouraging Christians here and all over the world to go there and kill thier people.  Islam wanted a holy war, so give them what they want, it is the will of God.

  18. It is pretty much the same gibberish that born-again Christians spout.  They are just substituting a different religion.

  19. I agree that Muslims will rule.

    And, Obama, Biden and Pelosi will make it happen more quickly.

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