
Islamic views on children deaths. Muslim or non muslim..?

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Does the Holy Quran or any sayings of the Holy Prophet saw mention what happens to child that are born still born? Cot deaths..or die at a young age? Does the same fate of heaven/h**l apply to non muslim children as well as muslim children? If a baby is born ill or dies shortly after death has obviously commited no sins on earth, so is then accepted into heaven even if they were born muslim or non muslim.




  1. All babies are born muslim.  If they die at a young age, obviously they didn't commit any sins, so, inshallah, they would go to heaven.  :)

  2. In line with hadits of Muhammad pbuh all died children will go to heaven

    and they are treated as muslims because all born babies are sinless muslims.A baby just like a white paper,the parents and environment will make him/her a muslim,christian,jew,kafir or even an atheist.All non muslim babies  who died until before mature,are sinless muslims too and they  will go to heaven just the same with muslim children.Salam for you my dear friend. .

  3. What is said regarding the dead children of Muslims.

         Narrated Al-Bara' (RAA): When Ibrahim [the son of the Prophet (SAW)] expired, Allah's Messenger (SAW) said, "There is a wet-nurse for him in Paradise."

    What is said regarding the dead children of Al-Mushrikun.

         Narrated Ibn 'Abbas (RAA): Allah's Messenger (SAW) was asked about the children of Al-Mushrikun. The Prophet (SAW) replied, "Since Allah created them, He knows what sort of deeds they would have done."

    Sahih Al-Bukhari

  4. Children until puberty are considered sinless unless insanity is claimed.

    Basically these kids who die will end up in heaven and also intercede on behalf of their parents to join them. Maybe they are just lucky that they are saved from a cruel world that could take away their innocence and throw them in h**l-so here is a credit for them in a way- they go to Heaven plus get their parents to join them- all the prize for the pains and sorrows of this short life !!!

  5. Babies who die will be rewarded with paradise.  There is a hadeeth of the Prophet (sa) that those children will be taught by Hazrat Ibrahim (rz).

    Note*  Not Ibrahim (as), but Ibrahim (rz) (the son of the Prophet (sa))

    Obviously this is metaphorical, but the point is that the Prophet (sa) is likening the passing of all children to that of his own son, and indicating that they will all be rewarded with paradise, insha'allah, alhumdolillah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  6. Allah loves us;...

  7. No matter what religion a baby is, all babies go to HEAVEN!!

    Babies don't know what's right or wrong, they can't sin.

    A baby is so innocent, it is it's own enemy.  

  8. All babies and young children that die go to heaven automatically.

    If life is a test, they didn't live long enough to even write their name on the paper of their exam so how could they fail?

  9. Babies and children automatically go to heaven. Babies cant sin because they cant reason and children cant reason as well either or are too immature to realize the realities and consequences of their actions on a spiritual level.  

  10. All still born and other children who die during their childhood go to heaven because they are innocent and don't know right from wrong  regardless of the religions of their parents

  11. babies and children go directlly to heaven no matter he was , coz they r innocent

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