A friend of mine was telling me a story about natives near the island of Guam in the 60's. His father was stationed there when he was 16 and he has all kinds of cool memories about all sorts of people from the time. These particular natives hunted by throwing stones, and building decoys of the animals they intended on hunting.
Well B-52 bombers use to take off from Gaum and overfly these peoples island before forming up and heading off to Vietnam. They would leave in the mornings, and return in the evenings.
Anthropologist studying the hunting habits of these people noticed one day that the natives had built a 30 foot replica of a B-52 on a cliff. They would hide in the bushes around the model and wait in the hopes that one of the planes would be lured in close enough for them to knock it out of the air, and pelt it with rocks.
You know humans are clever, and he has all kinds of stories to prove it. Do you have any stories of how modern tech may effect primitive people?