
Isle of Man? Can anyone tell me about it from personal experience?

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Just curious. Thanks!




  1. Guernsey from the Isle of Man?! They're hundreds of miles apart!

    Anyway, the Isle of Man is a fairly small island just off the West coast of England. You can fly from Manchester or Liverpool, or get the ferry.

    I went back in 1992, and we flew on a 28 seater plane. It never got above that height where your ears pop. Not a pleasant trip.

    Anyway, the actual island is nice enough. It has some nice beaches, some nice towns and a very large red watermill.

    That's all I really remember about it. My god father and his wife lived there until he died, so I don't have any links to the island anymore.

    I know it has a far lower tax rate than Britain, though.

  2. Isle of Man is a very popular Island. Lots of Irish and British. Great place for a holiday - loads of shops - pubs - restaurants - bars. All the social activities as well as tram rides, horse and trap rides instead of taking taxis and it's very very pretty. People are friendly and have a great sense of humour.  While the Isle of Man is British dependent it is not part of the U.K.  There's loads of attractions and things to do - you'll love it. Explore the whole island - it's gorgeous.  Maybe take a trip over to Guernsey and I wish you luck on finding a Manx Cat.  Cheers!!

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