
Isn't America suppose to be a socialist country?

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I don't understand why rich people are allowed to keep their money and not give it back to the millions of poor Americans struggling to earn decent wages.

Why do corporations just make all this money and get to keep it? Why doesn't that money get collected and redistributed back into the pockets of the poor consumers?

Then everyone will be equal and happy and can go to the store together as one and buy things for one another. That's the American dream. Is it not?




  1. America is supposed to be a free country.  That includes the freedom to build wealth.    If those rich corporations and rich people could not keep and enjoy at least half their wealth, then they would just stop doing business and making money.  When they stop doing business and making money then there are fewer people employed, more poor and less money to 'distribute' to them.  'Socialism' to the degree you want will create a downward spiral where everyone will be equally poor and no one will be very happy.

    Capitalism, free but regulated markets and a social safety net (the system we have in the US) allows the creation of private wealth that expands the economy creating more employment and opportunities an upward spiral that feeds on itself, while taking care of the basic needs of poor children, the disabled, the elderly and the temporarily unemployed

  2. I disagree with your idea because those corporations are managed by people that worked hard to get to where they got and risked a lot. Why should they just give their money away to people who where too lazy to think and just went and got a blue collar job. No offense to blue collar workers.

  3. Would it make everybody happy if Republicans ended up A. Living in a box eating from the trash, or B. Taking their companies overseas where they are appreciated

  4. It was at various points in our history until Reagan came along

  5. if you're making more than $200,000 a are wildly overcomensated if not a pure the **** out of those b******s

    after they arrive back in the real world they'll actually be'll see

  6. I suspect you're asking this question tongue-in-cheek.  But to tell the truth I feel that a lot of people are thinking this way.  It is scary.  Unless, of course you're on the receiving end.  

    What a lovely place to be. Not to have to worry about anything such as bills, food, medical, housing, retirement or even your offspring.  Let someone else do the worrying! Let someone else do the work!  It's not MY responsibility to take care of myself and my own.  Is it??  

    All I can say is I hope someone lets me know when it's time to quit my job and enjoy the benefits of socialist poverty.  

    The scariest words in the English language are;


    Never forget, "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have" **

  7. it's supposed to be a representative republic.

  8. so you think the american dream is to be given everything while doing nothing?

    you have to be from France...

  9. I do not know where you heard that America is supposed to be Socialist.

    We have never been that way. The people in America have always believed in working hard for yourself and you earn what you get. The American People have believe in a fair shot while not guaranteeing the out come. The out come is up to you. Why should we hand stuff to people. That makes a lazy nation.  

  10. I smell a troll.

  11. Well if that happens no one would ever work hard again and everyone could live in a cave.

  12. You are exactly right. Sweeden pays 70  percent of their taxes to the government and they are ranked the number 1 happiest country. Denmark is 7 and they pay 70 percent. America is not even in the top 20.

  13. I think you do not understand the meaning of socialism. Socialism is where the government controls means of productions, e.g. factories and chemical plants. It is not where the crippled are given a 400 dollar check and limited amounts of free medicine.

  14. Stop over exaggerating what people really want

  15. nope it is not that is Canada

  16. No.

    America is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic.

    Government re-distribution of money is theft.

  17. Socialism is where the government controls the people. Like if we has universal health care. It sounds nice but if that happens the price we would each pay in taxes to support it would skyrocket! Canada has health care paid by their government and it takes months for someone to see a doctor. Plus Canadians have to pay for it in taxes. And doctors would loose their incentives because the government would pay them a set salary. But don't worry, it will never happen here. Candidates have been using that platform for decades and it hasn't happened yet. And if you took money from the rich to give to the poor, that's Communism. Not socialism.

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