
Isn't Barack's trip abroad the greatest thing in the world? Is he finally bigger than Jesus Christ?

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Isn't Barack's trip abroad the greatest thing in the world? Is he finally bigger than Jesus Christ?




  1. People do like this guy.  People have an instinct toward accepting a person or rejecting a person.  Generally people don't like George Bush.  People generally liked Ronald Reagan.  Most people liked Bill Clinton.  Few people liked Richard Nixon.  Most people liked Eisenhower.  Almost nobody likes d**k Cheney.  Who didn't like Harry Truman and Jerry Ford?  Did anyone like Dan Quale?  It's a mystery....either 'ya got it, or 'ya don't.  Barack Obama has it.  John McCain doesn't.  Strange but true!

  2. How demented can you be?? Barack isn't bigger than Daffy Duck! He isn't the greatest thing in the world! He is! Another lieing, sniviling, whoring, two faced, hippocrit, American politician, and that is all he is!!!!!

  3. Tsk tsk, your jealousy is showing.

    Didn't the McCain in the supermarket photo op do it for ya?

  4. Maybe in the minds of those who follow him but no and he never will be.

    This reminds me of the Beatles when John said that they were greater the Jesus......they had a BIG downfall for a long time.

  5. Lol, about McCain being in the supermarket- I saw footage of him delivering a speech there, and it was interrupted by the supermarket's intercom-- he looked pissed as fxck. Poor old guy needs to learn to chillax.

  6. He's quite a guy.

  7. No..Barack Obama is not bigger than Jesus Christ - but hopefully Obama will make a decent US President

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