
Isn't Beijing's beautiful blue skies a sign that it doesn't take 30 years to clean up air pollution ?

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They had the worst pollution in the world and now they have amazingly blue skies






  1. A few days of blue skies doesn't mean the pollution is gone. Where I live we have an increasing number of bad air quality days. When a good rain comes in or we get a good wind the air will clear up, but the pollution doesn't go "away" it just goes someplace else.

    The fact that they took over 50% of the cars off the road and shut down hundreds of factories just shows that we are responsible for the pollution. What they had previously created stayed in our atmosphere, it is just making it's way to another country.

    There is a lot or propoganda associated with the air quality in China, what they consider moderate air quality we would declare a spare the air day and would be warned to minimize outside activities.

  2. China can control the flow of information, and the standards they use to measure air quality are not transparent

    Beijing weather was one of the biggest stories in the run-up to the Games, and rightly so judging by the struggles of the cyclists in the men’s road race on Saturday. More than a third of contestants dropped out of the race, including one of the favourites Stefan Schumacher, who complained of a “very, very strong headache” he blamed on the pollution.

  3. There is more to air pollution than particulates. Cyclist are still wearing face-masks.

  4. There's lots of possibilities...

    Maybe It was edited, remember, China is trying to make a good impression like any other country would.

    maybe it was just coincidence. Because, If it was real, air pollution would not be the huge issue it is today.

  5. Uh no. It just rained and the factories are closed. Ever been to LA? Some days it's smoggy as all get out, the next it's beautiful.  And it's been that way for decades.  Also the smog / visible pollution isn't the only pollution. The air quality is still relatively poor even if you can't see it.

  6. The blue sky can be enplaned in 2 words - camera filters.

  7. Humans have huge egos. The earth will purge of us when it needs to, which will be out of our control.

  8. Possibly, but you have to remember the Chinese have basically closed down most of the polluting factories, and taken many cars off the road.

    Their emissions will increase once the Olympics have finished, I think it is a temporary clean up.

  9. Um, have you been watching the olympics at all? Most of the time when they show an outdoor event the smog is ever present. Beijing is still heavily polluted and will be for some time.

  10. that just means that the picture was taken on a windy day.

  11. Umm...what's all that brown stuff off in the distance in the second picture, then?

    And those are two different locations, so the second one might just have more air circulation or even a different smog level all together.

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