
Isn't CNN shooting itself in the foot? And really insulting their viewers' intelligence?

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(Culprit-in-Chief = Wolf Blitzer and his band of halfwits)

We have seen photos and video of Obama doing everything but go to the toilet from them. (CNN)

Then they turn around and say that Obama seems to be making his trip abroad into one long 'photoshoot' and 'election event'?

My question:

Who the BLEEP is taping the footage?

And showing it over and over and over?

(Not being a Fox News watcher, I can only imagine the orgiastic 'feeding frenzy' over there)





  1. All major media outlets are biased and should be ignored.

    All three network evening news anchors will be traveling to Europe and the Middle East next week for Barack Obama's trip. Brian Williams, Charles Gibson, and Katie Couric will be airing their newscasts from stops along Obama’s route.

    I liken this to three network news groupies going on tour with Barack Obama in Europe and the Middle East. Brian, Charlie and Katie can’t get enough of Barack Obama. They seem to think that the coverage thus far just hasn’t been good enough, so they’re going to go on the road for live, daily on-the-air massages for Barack Obama.

    When Senator John McCain was in Colombia on July 2, he was chastised on five separate occasions during two segments on ABC’s Good Morning America for leaving the country while America’s economy was in peril. In the full week that McCain was in Europe and the Middle East, CBS did one report that contained less than 35 words.

    The "big three" networks did a total of four stories on McCain's trip.

  2. The world sees Obama as the only hope to save Americas economy and halt the war mongering, illegal detentions and torture etc!!

    Obama is out there listening to all concerned instead of trying to dictate.  But better yet he refused to take money for his campaign from lobbyists and interested parties thus ensuring that if elected he will be the first president ever to get elected without owing anyone any favours or with claws in his back!!!

    McCain is seen as likely not just to continue Bush's terrible policies but to actually make the situation worse!!

    Just reflect - dollar on the floor, huge national debt, sub prime debt, the largest number of poor and destitute in the civilised world and now tented towns for those thrown out of their homes!!

    As for political bias have you noticed that Yahoos spell checker has McCain but not Obama - but then of course so many now know how to spell Obama!!!

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