
Isn't China the real national security threat?

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If everyone in China stood on a chair and jumped, they would knock the world out of orbit. Why aren't we doing something to stop this? Seriously, one day the Chinese could go all suicide attack n us and kill the whole world. How do we prevent this? Do we divide China up and make them all hate each other? I think that's the only way.

What are your thoughts?




  1. I still think The usa outweighs them , so half of us could jump back and put it back on its axis. Good thing, huh?

  2. i think your a bit silly really thats my thought.

  3. Why on earth would the chinese want to commit suicide?, they are a super power on the up.

  4. China does not seem to have the large oil and natural gas reserves that other parts of the world, most notably the Middle East have.  Other countries of the Far East are not rich in oil and natural gas either.  They also tend to be very densely populated.  It is obvious from the accounts of the smog in Beijing that fossil fuels are still in use in China.  Yet the countries of the Far East have not attacked the countries in the Middle East for oil up to the present.

    "Divide and conquer" seems to be the unofficial motto of all "stonecutters", including Julius Caesar who once said it.  Maybe the people of China and the Far East have a different mentality when it comes to using restraint both in ecological and in political matters.  

  5. China is NOT stupid enough to attack and it's not going for Stalin or Hitler's approach of attacking other country. Attack...China is OVER!

    What they can do is economically taking over the world.

  6. Your joke is pretty wild one.  You must be bored. Create some joke about GWB or McCain or Obama or yourself.

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