
Isn't Danica a godsend to Indy racing?

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Purists may resent this but:

1) She is bringing tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of new fans to the sport.

2) She is fast becoming the one named icon of Indy racing. (i.e. Tiger is golf, Serena is tennis).

3) If she goes to NASCAR her fans will follow.

Like it or not, racing is a business as well as a sport and she is great for promoting the sport.




  1. if she goes to nascar that is funny

  2. while "fans" have their own picks for favorite driver, to the casual fan danica IS indy racing.

    take a poll of the casual racing fan and ask them to name 5 current drivers, Danica will be the first and maybe only name they can think of. (and the indy 500 will be the ONLY race they will name, and the only reason to watch the indy 500)

    I agree with points 1 and 2 of the original poster, but while her fans may follow her they may not in the big numbers one may think as she would be in with other highly marketable stars.

    I will say that if Danica does go to NASCAR, you can say bye-bye to indy racing.

  3. fu@k her... she is just a stupid loser c_u_n_t

  4. Danica Patrick is good at what she does,driving and marketing but she's not the best woman driver.Sarah Fisher has accomplished alot in her career and is being overshadowed by Danica.Danica is David Beckham to Sarah Fisher's Renaldo. ...meaning that Renaldo is a better soccer player but Beckham is more marketable.

  5. She did bring a lot more fans to IndyCar, but I'm not sure if all of her fans would follow her to NASCAR.  I was a fan of Dario Franchitti, and when he went to NASCAR, I didn't start watching it just cause he was in it.

  6. i definitely applaud you for pointing out that shes a savior to this sport. but i would hope that  the fans would stay b/c they love this sport not just her. i think at first they may be attracted by her but then they see all of the other drivers and how great this sport really is!! i think indycar fans are loyal enough to stick to it no matter who leaves. i am a tony kanaan fan to the core!! but if he left sure, i would watch him in whatever other circuit he went to but ihave fallen in love with indycar and that would be what id watch. danica and helio have helped out this sport tons!! I APPLAUD THEM!!!

  7. I see your points here and don't disagree.  

    So she's emotional, I know of male drivers across the realm of auto racing that also have this quality.

    So she's attractive and doesn't hide it, even profits from it, same thing with some of the male drivers.

    So she's only got one win under her belt....and so the list goes on.  In the end, she is a growing talent and I hope she continues to mature and gains further success, but I hope she doesn't choose to go to NASCAR, at least not yet.  I am a fan of both open wheel and stock car racing and haven't been too excited about the results of Montoya, Franchitti, and Hornish Jr switching up.

  8. I wouldn't use the word "Godsend" but even though I am not Danica's biggest fan-although I respect her as I respect all racing drivers no matter what the discipline-I would agree that she has brought people to the sport. That's not a bad thing.

  9. I will be the first to admit that Danica stirred the Indy fan inside of me.  I dont make apologies for that either.  She is beautiful and very qualified to be out there with them dudes.  I used to watch Indy back in the day when Jackie Stewart was giving play by play on Wide World of Sports.  My Dad (A super redneck jock) thought I was fancy for being an Indy fan.  The sport kinda drifted off for me in the late 70's.  It's nice having her in the game.  She got my attention and hopefully we will see her win at Indy next year.

  10. Yes. I believe a godsend regardless of racing :-)

  11. You are right.  And, she gives those tiny girls who may have been steered to gymnastics because of their size the idea that if they want to race, they can do it if they work hard.

  12. Indy needed a promoter for the league. Danica is a d**n good driver, a good looker, and a shameless promoter.

  13. Well, the word "Godsend" might imply that Indy was in need of a savior.  Actually, Indy racing has been on a huge upswing even before Danica Patrick emerged on the scene and in the public eye.

    But no doubt about it, she has brought even more fans to the sport.  I personally was just an occasional fan of auto racing before but now if the race has Danica in it, I'm interested.  She has a certain muted beauty and strength about her that many find very attractive.  

    I doubt her name will ever become as iconic to auto racing as Tiger Woods name is to golf or Serena Williams to tennis.  But Danica is definately the one people want to watch in racing.  I applaud her and look forward to her future success.

  14. 1 win does not a godsend make. Tiger , & Serena actually win more than once

  15. She certainly hasn't hindered the sport...

  16. The only thing is she believe her own hype. She doesn't respect people except herself. Part of her problem is she doesn't speak well to her team and can not give good enough descriptions of how the car is handling.

    Other drivers will thank the fans, she will talk about herself more than saying thanks to the fans.

  17. i do agree with you. danica patrick is one heck of a cool person. i praise her not because i am a girl too. it is because of her you can see there is equality.

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