
Isn't FoxNews fair & balanced like they say..?

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I find that FoxNews seems to be the best when it comes to reporting BOTH sides of any issue being reported on, not only that but their newsanchors seem to be the most polite & courteous to their guests; while CNN tries to be fair but their reporters tilt more to the left, and MSNBC is the worst in being the most biased to the left..




  1. No. A girl I know is a producer at FOX in New York and there is no true journalism just orders sent down from the top to report on. They are pretty much just actors not reporters. I'd rather read a tabloid than watch FOX news.

  2. Farce news is about as fair and balanced as McCain is just a regular working stiff!  Both make claims that would put Pinoco's nose to shame!

  3. Fox news always reports both sides of any issue: Bush's side and Cheney's side.  Fyi, there is no liberal media.  All media up to and including P.B.S. and N.P.R. are owned, operated, censored and tightly controlled by giant, multinational, multi-billion dollar corporations.  You'll never hear a millionaire news anchor do a report on the possible beneficial effects of higher taxes on the rich or what Exxon's business policies in Iraq are.

  4. Their actual "news" coverage, yes. The hourly, half hour news updates are fair and balanced.

    On, the other hand - O' Reilly leans right. And Hannity is completely right.

    The Best show on politics every day is Brit Humes' show with the panel of guest from PBS, NPR, Weekly Standard. You'll truly get both sides of a story there.

  5. You must be kidding to think Fox News is really fair and balanced. For you they sound fair because you are probably a republican McCain supporter, right?

    Their news anchors polite & courteous??? Check this Bill O'Reilly video:

    I've never seen a news anchor this insane.

    Fox News is Fake & Biased

  6. No

  7. You and I must be watching from different viewpoints, because it seems to me that FOX is the MOST biased of them all. MSNBC is the most complete and honest. CNN sometimes leans to the left. But FOX is just a bunch of jokers!

  8. I disagree.  I think CNN does the best job at being "Fair & Balanced."  Fox News seems to portray the news from a conservative point of view and their newsanchors never seem as polite and courteous to liberals and Democrats as they are to conservatives and Republicans.  I believe you are too conservative to see that bias, but maybe I'm too liberal to see CNN's bias.  I still stand by my belief that Fox News claims to be "Fair & Balanced" by intentionally slanting things to the right in order to counterbalance all of the slanting to the left they see in other news outlets.

  9. Is the yahoo answers team being run by muslims and

    whi-tey scum.

  10. I also like Fox News.  They are fair and balanced and they always have people from both sides of the political spectrum on their shows.  

  11. Snap out of it!!!

    Wake up man! All news is filtered by the Associated Press and givin to each news outlet. These news outlets can report it on their own party driven angles.

    You see the Counsel on Foreign Relations bought up or are tied into every national news outlet in American and the people on this Counsel are some of the richest and most powerful people in the world, CEO's, politician's, and even Obama, Hillary, Candi Rice, d**k Chaney (former President).

    They dont really care who wins these elections. Either way they will still get their objectives across with either party because they own both of them!

    Who talks about the Independent Candidates on TV...........

    No one because it is set up that way. They have us all caught up in this political game while corruption in runnin ramp-id in our nation.

    Look at what is happening to the USA...

    Obama and McCain will not fix anything that really needs to be fixed.

    Social Security....

    Boarder Control.....

    Federal Income tax.....

    Roads and bridges.....



    My god people. Our media does not ask the hard questions that need to be asked. There fore it is all set up to brain wash us. You think were the only country without propaganda???

    Fox News is Far right, MSMBC and CNN are left.

    AM Radio is far right. You see, Just enough on both sides to keep us consumed,

  12. fox is fair and balanced, the rest including abc nbc are to the left

  13. Yes they are fair ask if Oprah is pulling the strings on MSNBC and CNN!

  14. I agree Fox news is slanted to the right.  I believe we must must move forward... not backwards, not to the side, not forwards, but always whirling, whirling, whirling towards freedom,

    Abortions for all!.....

  15. There is always a bias.  But none as great as Fox News.  In the interest of fairness though, studies show that gravitate towards media formats that you agree with.  i.e. you watch fox news/cnn/bbc because you agree with their slant.  

    To rant a little though. Look up Rupert Murdoch.  He started Fox News and has a long history of working in presidential campaigns for Republicans.  You don't do that kind of work and not have a bias.  

  16. As long as you like it, cool.  Just don't expect everyone to share your view.

  17. hahaha, i think you've got what it takes.  biggest problem many comedians have is keeping a straight face when they say something absurd like that.  you pull it off well.  you should think of getting an agent.

  18. You can watch CNN and get the same take on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NPR.

    Fox gives a different slant and your more likely to hear opposing views on Fox than you will see on the rest.  

  19. You jest.

    or do you? one never knows nowadays, there are so many whacky ideas out there.

    I find the idea of FoxNews  being balanced, slightly less plausible than the notion that Elvis is alive and well, and living on Mars.

  20. Yes just as fair and balanced as Al Franken said they were in his book fair and balanced truth.

  21. I tend to agree with you, although Brit Hume is clearly on the right.

    But compared to a pretty much all-leftist lineup on MSNBC, it's a minor inconvience.  And Hume can claim, rightly, that he's giving "the other side."  I like his Grapevine segment at 6:30.  I'm sorry he's retiring!

  22. Stl_6string seems to have the only correct answer so far, confirmed by outside and disinterested sources.

    Fox has an unwarranted reputation for biased news because there isn't much of it. Most of the day is filled with commentary and "infotainment" programming.

    I also note from your answers a problem the Democrats seem to have: many tend to be passionate but illogical, and unable to discern between news programs and other programs. Republicans, of course, aren't immune to the disease, either, but it seems the illogical Republicans are at least less likely to advertise it.

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