
Isn't Georgia to blame for the current crisis?

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Where is the condemnation for their actions that started this whole mess?




  1. Were's the condemnation for the Russians who were supposed peace keepers to allow the S.Ossetians to antaganize the Georgians into a response?

  2. Sad to say that you are right. And they were calling on the West for some real action on Russia as a result. Very dangerous of them to do that and irresponsible. Of course the Russians needed an excuse to act and this was what they needed.

  3. what did they do exactly?  Did their actions warrant killing their civilians?

  4. Russia provoked it I think no one seems to remember it was Georgia that attacked S.O. backed by US. Of course Bush fails to mention that few weeks ago it was Russia that brought a security council resolution calling for Georgia and S.O. hostilities to end, but US, France & UK vetoed it. WHY?????

    Actually it is US to blame in a way. The conflict is actually part of a bigger game, which now is clear US and allies lost, with consequences.

    S.O's made it clear they don't want to be part of Georgia, most of them are Russian citizens, they have been independent for 16 years. It was Bush that backed Georgia, of course it was a test, but thought Russia wouln't go far. Well they were wrong and Russia now has sent a clear message

    it will defend its interests just like US.

    Georgia was actually counting on US, assuming they are backing us so they will protect us, and now countries like Ukraine are cautious of any such steps. They now know US wouln't be rushing in.

    There is no doubt it is Georgia to blame, US and allies could've handled it very differently, but that wouldn't have helped them achieve their agenda.

    Russia has made it clear, any US influence will be dealt with. This is very dangerous win for US and allies, as Russia now has the upper hand, it has one this game, and made it clear that it is serious about any US threat.

    It is not just Russia but US as well that provoked the war.

  5. georgians just entered tskhinvali to protect the georgians living there. tskhinvali is said to be russian but there still are living georgians there. they were shooted for whole 4 days and then the georgians entered the region. and that was all the russians wanted to enter georgia passing through roki , and saying they were trying to protect their people they started bombing the capital of the country and other cities. seeing as you ask that question i don't think you have a full view of the situation. i have cos i'm georgian, a proud one, and the one who lost friends who were trying to save ppl in the willages and cities which russians entered or bombed... just stop saying that c**p please!! and my advice - don't visit russian web sites for information  

  6. Russia is to blame for the situation !

    1.Russia's army units were attacking Georgia disquise as Osetians

    2 Provocced Georgia attacked Osetia

    3 Russia had an excuse and  stepped there as a peace keeping force

    Russia manipulated Georgia and Osetia the Russians are the only ones responsible for the war !

    No one else both sides of conflict were manipulated by Russians thats the truth in mine opinion ! The  world needs to pressure Russia to back off from the conflict !

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