
Isn't Gordon Brown really tying to destroy England? Isn't he Anti-English? Devolution for everyone except

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England....perks for everyone except the English...Rights for everyone...except the English? Why doesn't he just clear off back to Scotland and stuff a haggis in that weird mouth of his... and stop wrecking our green and pleasant land?




  1. Gordon Brown had nothing to do with devolution, that was a long time before he was PM (10 years)

    England do very well out of the Union, Gordon Brown considers himself British and therefore chooses to be PM of the whole of the UK.

  2. Gord is wrecking Britain, don't forget, Wales, Scotland, NI, theyve got the same PM as Engand.

  3. I don't get you devolution guys at all. Because you don't get it. If there are 4 regions in a country and 3 get devolved, the last one does not need to does it?

    BECAUSE ITS NOW ON ITS OWN. GET IT? It happened in the USSR. Everybody left except RUSSIA.

    So ENGLAND will NOT have to change its name OR its STYLE or anything. So whats the point?

  4. Aw... not nice to have someone not from your country pulling the strings, is it?

    Welcome to the position Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland had to suffer for years.

    And as a point of interest, you can keep him. No one in Scotland wants him back either.

    John H... that is utter, complete rubbish. The highest amount per head of population spent in the UK is spent in London and South East England. A fact conveniently forgotten and buried in phrases along the lines of 'good for the entire country.'

    Well, if anyone can tell me how a massive Olympic development in London is good for anywhere beyond the south of England, I'll be open to arguments.

  5. Im getting so annoyed with all the news being over STABBINGS and CREDIT CRUNCH war etc

    please get gordon out and restore our economy before if gets out of control !!!!!

  6. I think the Joker is having a joke the comment that the English do very well out of the Union does not apply to the South West and South East of England.

    More money per head is spent north of the border than is ever spent in the South, yet the South earn over 68 % of the total amount of money that comes to the country.

    The other big joke that Scottish MPs can vote in Westminster but English MPs have no say in the Scottish Parliament

    And finally the traitor Gordon Brown has signed the EU treaty denying all of us votera a referrendundum that other countries get to vote in, he is worse than Lord Haw Haw in the second world war, one other thing our man of pruedence you guessed it traitor Brown has now increased the amount of money the government can now borrow in relation to output after saying when he was chancellor we would at the set borrowing requirement

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