
Isn't Gov. Palin as a Dem issue a waste of time because McCain will lose to Obama anyway?

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Ya, Obama will win this time, I'd put a c note on it.




  1. Hate to burst your bubble, but Obama isn't going to the White House...unless it's to visit.

  2. I would agree that McCain will lose to Obama, but I think that all politicians get vetted and just because McCain didn't vet her doesn't mean that journalists won't.

  3. John McCain won this election the day he was nominated. And Sarah Palin is the deciding vote. So now when Obama loses, it won't look like it was on purpose, it will just look like he got beat by a Woman.

  4. Do you have any proof of that statement?

    I'd put my money on John McCain... America has yet to see & realize everything that is locked up in Barack's closet.

  5. You are exactly right that it is a waste of their time to fight Palin. The election is between McCain and Obama.  

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