
Isn't Introducing The Pledge Of Allegiance To Children A Form Of Brain Washing?

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Isn't Introducing The Pledge Of Allegiance To Children A Form Of Brain Washing?




  1. Yes, ......if they live in point being that as citizens of the United States, we owe allegiance to our country, and having children recite the Pledge is in no way indoctrinating them in some subversive doctrine to the detriment of themselves or any others.

  2. How? How is it wrong to teach them patriotism? You think they should go around and hate their country?

  3. Decode this lyrics " Up to you"

    The Code of Honour of the Ten Commandments?

    In honouring and worshiping God?

    In doing the work of God?

    To be the Son of God?

    In advancing in time?

    To make this world a better place to live?

    For the good of mankind?

    In the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time?

    As time-traveller passing -by in time?

    Or continue living in misery like cave-men with club on the shoulder from the twilight zone in the 21st century in moving backwards in time?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Look in the real world.

    At the blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past with self lack of knowledge without being aware of it being expose in time in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 8.5-8, 10-17

    What do you think?

  4. Not in my view no. Teaching them to disrespect their Country and president is tho.

  5. All education is brain washing to a degree. You are telling people what to think. We are not teaching people to hate each other etc. Teaching kids to be patriotic is part of their education. Should we teach them to hate their country and protest everything instead? That would still be brain washing.

  6. sure, but in the same way that taking kids to Scouting or teaching them about volunteering or generosity or their parents favorite football teams or foods is brainwashing.

  7. Ya, but so are a lot of things in school.  We're convinced that authority is always right by having a teacher who makes the rules, we're taught to do things like sit quiet or line up for lunch or recess, we're told that being on time is important to the point where you have to stress out about it, we get used to paperwork which is a cornerstone of bureaucracy, in most schools you see that your elementary teacher is female, yet the principle is male and get a sense of hierarchy, and you get every other message in culture, both good and bad.

    The list could just keep going on.

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