
Isn't McCain supposed to get a "bump" from his own convention?

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Why is Obama building on his lead?




  1. All forces were at place long ago. McCain will never go over 43-45% - not enough idiots..

  2. That's just one poll.  100% of polls are bullcrap.  83% of statistics are made up bullcrap too.

  3. bush sucks

  4. His convention isn't even over yet!

  5. McCain is hoping his pole will get a "bump" from Palin, if you know what I mean.

  6. Yes but that VP choice simply goes too far. I think most Americans respect McCain, even if they don't agree with him so he probably had a shot to not lose that bad.

    But what he's done now, selecting Sarah Palin to be on his ticket, a scandal ridden inexperienced far right fundamentalist when his strongest selling points justified or not were experience and his maverick appeal, destroy his message and expose the sad truth to even the most uninformed American probably.  The sad and disturbing truth that McCain is not the McCain from 2000 but indeed running for a third Bush term, that he's committed to the same policies and out of touch "conservatism" that brought the US and the world so much misery and that a possible future McCain administration would continue on this disastrous road to nowhere that makes the rich richer, the poor poorer and America weaker.

    There are less than thirty percent of Americans who still support that, the others had enough, I think that's what those polls show. McCain just ended any chance he had.

  7. And on the next issue of Mad Magazine will be McCain holding a sign saying "I did" with his left hand firmly grasping Palins left breast and Palin holding a bottle of Viagra in one hand and a soiled Depends in the other.

    You heard it first here.


  8. This is for "Justgood" If you want to talk about scandals let's see about Obama: Attends a church that is far off the chart anti-american and racist towards whites. Is a friend of a known member of the weather underground who was responsible for terrorist bombings in the 1970's, of which one bombing involved a police headquarters in NY. Has shady real estate deals with a known rackateer in IL. Wants to make kissy kissy with rogue terrorist nations. I would suggest you take off your partisan hat and look into the facts before posting. In case your wondering, I am not a republican.

    Have a nice day.  

  9. 'There are liars, some great liars, and then there are statistics'. - Mark Twain

  10. 'cause they're doing their polling in downtown Atlanta.

  11. There's a convention going on? Sheesh...I thought it was the AARP convention. My bad.

  12.   McCain's bump is yet to be reflected in the polls.  Once Sarah Palin is officially  introduced tonight, I believe we will see a substantial change in poll standings.  I predict that McCain will surpass Obama as leading candidate !

  13. "Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Aug. 30 through Sept. 1"

    Perhaps you should actually read your link before you post.

  14. Maybe now that her "future son-in-law's" myspace page has been pulled, they will see a "bump". I don't think it will be the bump they need, but maybe it will be a bump none the less.

    I looked at it the other day and what a winner that kid is. I checked this morning and it is gone but he called himself a "f**king redneck" and said he does not want any children.

    Maybe if there had been some s*x ed in the classes he was taking, he could have learned what caused it and he would not be having a kid now.

    Before I get a lot of nasty e-mails about this one, I have a daughter that had a baby while in high school, she had it because she wanted to once she found out she was expecting, NOT because I told her she had to. She graduated with the rest of her class and is now married and has two other children. Both she and the child's father have raised my grandson, who is now 10 and they stepped up to the plate and made sure that he is taken care of. While she and the father did not marry each other, my grandson has 2 loving parents and 2 loving step parents. So don't tell me I don't know what it is like. I don't care that her daughter is expecting, but what I do care about is that they are trying to change the image of the babies father.

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