
Isn't McDonalds Asian Salad a bit racist?

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Isn't McDonalds Asian Salad a bit racist?




  1. Maybe they should name it the Asian American Salad, just to be politically correct.

  2. Sure is. Where are the black olives?

  3. So, what would you suggest they call it?  I see nothing racist in the naming of this salad.

  4. Good question and yeah kinda I was just thinking the same about those one Carmel Girl scout cookies they were caramel delights but they changed the name to Samoas.......

  5. LOL I never thought of it like that! Interesting question.....

  6. I refuse to eat it. I don't like the way they treat the Asians in the salad.

  7. how do you figure?

  8. lol...they should get an african salad...a british salad...and so on

  9. What about those "french" fries too, huh?

  10. Could be.  They could have given it another name.

  11. Supposedly having Asian ingredients, a piece of orange, makes it a Asian Salad.

    I am filipino, and to be honest I feel no racism of it being called a Asian Salad.

  12. not really, then you'd have to consider things like  "mexican food" "italian dressing" "Irish mocha" chinese wok" you know there are millions, I won't bore you.. but the point is they're just calling it an asian salad, not saying that it's bad or good.. just a name that's all.

  13. Better than Oriental salad that they used to have.

  14. another unintelligent person lacking understanding of the meaning of the word "racism"  *sigh*

  15. Seriously? I mean really.

    Racism involves hate. I don't think McDonald's is saying that they hate anyone.

    Now, the name itself may be . . . not the best choice. For instance, at one restaurant, my fiance always orders the Grilled Asian Chicken Salad. We laugh every time because they really screwed that name up. He always jokes, "Ew! I'm eating grilled Asians!"

    But what would you prefer? The McDonald's Oriental Salad? The Mandarin salad? And by that logic, is calling an Asian restaurant and Asian restaurant insulting?


  16. I'm not sure that a food item in and of itself can be qualified as racist. It appears that racism is a uniquely human phenomena. However, if one considers popular food for racist overtones, the best example that comes to mind is Taco Bell. Their food is an awful reproduction of what can be some pretty tasty Tex-Mex items. If you live in a town that has a Mexican-owned and operated taquiera or a "taco-cart", you'll find the food is so much tastier and authentic than anything from Taco h**l. It was also quite racist that Taco h**l chose such a stereotypical character to speak in the form of a ridiculous little chihuahua.

    Finally, the most racist thing about places like McDonald's and Taco Bell(and others) would be the special arrangements for produce that these corporations make with farms that enslave and oppress impoverished migrant workers. They pay the migrants very little(typically, a 1.75/hour at best) and sometimes not at all; they house the workers in horrible shacks that aren't fit for livestock to live in, much less people; they provide inadequate access to food, water, and healthcare; and they frequently resort to threats and violence to intimidate the workers and stop them from demanding better conditions.

    McDonald's is racist the same way most American corporations are racist because it exploits the most vulnerable members of our society, minorities.

  17. why would you say that ..

    but dont be ofended because they have the wrong recipie for real asian salad , not even close lol

  18. this is somewhat ridiculous. its obviously asian inspired. should it be called pan-asian american inspired salad? PC-ness gets blown out of proportion. now if only this desire to appear thoughtful actually translated into how people treat eachother....what a world this could be.

  19. yes...not all asians cook THAT bad..i dont like it..but thats my opinion

  20. I would rather not be politically correct when eating at a drive thru, just trying to eat and get back to work.

  21. So then White Chocolate , an Dark Chocolate are racist too ??

  22. no lol

  23. never thought about it but now u mention that

    no theres no racism

  24. ooh no its just an asian salad..


    I just got that, my first answer was "how would lettuce and tagarines be racist?"

    But nooo.

    Its just what maybe the asian culture might enjoy, and people who enjoy their food.

  25. If they serve it during Indian Summer is it even more racist?  It is about as racist as English muffins, French vinaigrette, Italian vinaigrette and Greek salad.

    I have never tried it.  I don't find the name racist at all, if it means it incorporates a lot of characteristically Asian ingredients.  The name is just a bit unimaginative, and rather bland, like some of the burgers.

  26. Not racist just a ghetto style wanna be Asian food.

    All of those places give Asian food a bad rap. That's because fast food does not equal Asian food. Ever! LOL.

    I think even Americans caught on. That this will hardly ever work.

    I'm tired of getting day old dried up spring rolls from the Cheese Cake Factory. Never again.

  27. HAHAHAH! I was not really thinking it was racist..but i was wondering..

    WHY THE h**l DOES IT HAVE TO BE AN ASIAN SALAD? IS IT because it has some oranges and maybe some sesame seeds? hahahah

  28. NO this is just a very stupid question. It is an Asian "style" salad. Nobody said that the salad represents Asians in general. It is just a representation of a style of their cusine. Plus it tastes good, so whats so bad?

  29. no i dont think it is i work there lol and its probably just impliying that its a kind of salad that they would serve in asia not necesaraly an asian person good luck lol

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