
Isn't Obama attacking the McCains for being rich really an attack on the American Dream?

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0 LIKES UnLike smug you are, Cindy's fortune is her father's American dream you dolt...just like obamas




  1. Obama is a hypocrite.

    Democrats are just jealous of those who have things.

  2. Good job my friend. You are correct. Why is it that Democrats despise extremely wealthy conservatives, yet justify their own wealth as being nobel.

  3. Shouldn't every American have the right to make their dream a reality?

  4. Well, the platform of the demacrats is to make people plebes and dependent on landlords and govt

  5. No it just shows that McCain is out of touch with the middle class and has no idea what it is like to have middle class issues just like Bush.

  6.   Yes, it is an attack on anyone who has initiative, innovation and the ambition to be successful and dream the American dream.

    Why demonize success?  Isn't this what the majority of us live for?  We should never lower our standards.  Pride and hard work to get from point A to point B is what we want all of our kids to aspire for.

    Children should not be taught to be envious of those who have succeeded, they should instead be shown how they are able reach as high as they can.


  7. Yes it is,it just shows that Obama actually is a Socialist wearing Democratic clothing.  

  8. Pretty much

    Democrats depend heavily on "free' Government handouts and perpetuating class envy.

  9. He's only attacking because he's not "as rich" as McCain.

    If his books sold better, or he married better, he would never have mentioned it.

  10. Of course it is!  I can't believe he's attacking people for being successful and at the same time, brags about his own "rags to riches" story.  Of course if you study socialism, there are two tiers.  The upper tier and the rest.  He, of course, would be part of that upper tier and we would be part of 'the rest' since his intention is for us to provide the finances, therefore never allowing us to reach that American dream.  

  11. Yes.

  12. Of course it is!  But you see Obama isn't all about the American dream, he is all about control and power ONLY!

  13. Obama is attacking McCain for marrying money.  But, they didn't have any trouble with Kerry chasing rich widows!

  14. The American dream is to own a home

    Own a car

    have a decent job and income

    Support their children

    and not be in a massive amount of debt

    Seems the last item has helped cause the American dream to be downsized, even unobtainable by many, despite their hard work.

    It is not being rich.

    Everyone wants to be rich, but that is not the American dream.




  15. Easy for us to debate... we have computers and cable access...

    Many don't...

  16. It's the pot calling the kettle black.

  17. No, Obama has lived the American Dream by earning his own money on own his merits through his own efforts.  McCain married inherited wealth and then had the nerve and absolute unmitigated gall to accuse Obama of being an elitist.  

    McCain, who couldn't remember how many homes he had, is being attacked for being a blatant hypocrite, not for being rich.

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