
Isn't Obama the product of an illicit affair?

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Show me those studies Tangerine

My own personal experience has shown me that that just isn't true

Every kid in America with a high enough IQ to qualify for mainstream public education knows where kids come from and how to prevent it

And Sarah Palin has never stated that she does not believe in s*x education, if she has show me her words




  1. the obamaites want it both ways

  2. The first thing Obama said about this whole thing was that his mother was 18 when he was born and people should lay off Palin's children. His campaign has kept quiet about it, he has kept quiet about it. What else would you have him do, spend his days patroling the internet and reading all the blogs?

  3. Get over it

    OB's mom and dad where married

    nobody really cares about SP its just when Mccain dies in office you GOP's are saying she is the next most qualified GOP.

    This is a clear message to the public SP read a speech GB speech writer wrote and we all know how good he is at speaking, full of lies and she is on a ticket with old washington.  She was only appealing to the racist and soccer moms!! She did not address one major issue oh energy thats it!!

  4. Umm, do you think you have more control over what you daughter does or what your mother does before you conception?

    I don't care about her daughter.  I just wish people would realize that s*x-ed has more to it than "don't do that."

    Sarah Palin is an "abistenence only" advocate.  That is where much of this focus on her family is coming from.  I don't like how our PRESS treats public figures from all walks of life, but then again I would sue the c**p out of any of them for harrassing and stalking me.  And yes, you can avoid them if you want.  Look at Jodie Foster, Nicole Kidman, etc.  They have personal lives.

    "lesser animals" make free will choices all day long.  In fact, they as much free will as you and I.  The thing that truly seperates us are opposable thumbs...  Very few species have these and the ones that do are largley thriving outside of habitat loss due to humans.

  5. Right.  But only one of these will be played out in the media.  Wonder why that is?

  6. The only reason why we're making an issue of Bristol Palin's pregnancy is because her mother is an advocate of abstinence-only s*x ed. Studies have shown time and again that abstinence-only s*x ed isn't effective, and Bristol Palin is a case in point.

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