
Isn't Prince Harry a waste of space and our money. He appears drunk and loutish most of the time.?

by Guest61110  |  earlier

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If he wasn't born to royalty he would be living in a sink estate with an ASBO. What a horrible little creep he is. Of course he didn't want to fight for the UK. None of the royals ever does. They just wear the medals and uniforms mummy gives them. and disgrace us all.




  1. true , but hey they are good for the tourist trade

  2. look into history hon.

    our lovely Queen was in the world war 2. serving her Country.

    She has seen alot.

  3. Prince Harry certainly doesn't do himself any favours by being pictured falling out of nightclubs having spent huge amounts of money in them on booze. Having said that, "we" do not pay for him. He is independently wealthy having received a large chunk of the Queen Mother's fortune. She left him a lot of money knowing that William would always be well taken care of by the Duchy of Cornwall and then as Monarch.

    Waste of space? Maybe he just needs some time to grow up. Can't be easy doing so in the many 20 somethings were fine upstanding citizens at that age and knew when to call it a night??

  4. You are poorly informed on many counts. Tax payers do not pay for Harry's upkeep.His father,Charles,does.Charles is not on the Civil List;he earns his money by running the Duchy of Cornwall. He is an organic farmer as well as business owner of organic goods,which has turned out to be a very successful business venture for him. Harry also inherited money from his mother,Diana,the late Princess of Wales,so he doesn't cost you a cent.

    Harry couldn't be sent into battle because he was a prime target.Perhaps you really don't care about the other soldiers fighting over there.The terrorists certainly don't and would think of nothing about killing anyone just to get to Harry.

    And the Royals who do wear medals actually served in the military.Some saw active duty(Philip and Andrew) while others served turns of duty.Charles spent over 10 years in the service,serving the Navy, Marines and Air Force. His last assignment was as Commander of the HMS Bronnington. It took him many years to earn that post.And some Royals actually died during World War II(The Duke of Gloucester,husband of the late Princess Alice).

    Harry may not make the best choices in the world,but he certainly doesn't deserve your jealous vitriol.

  5. All the royals are a waste of space. Come the day of the revoution i wanna be the one to kick the chairs away and watch erm swing.

  6. Its hard to know really.  Can you imagine how hard it must be to have been living in the public eye since you were born?  No reprive from it? no chance to do anything privately without the whole country eyeing him and judging him?  Cant be easy I'm sure.  yes in a way he is lucky - he is made for life and doesn't have to worry about money etc like the rest of us, but to have read slanderous comments in the papers and the news about his mum's death, and then cope with the public ripping apart his father's choice to be happy again and marry Camilla?  Im sure its not all a bowl of cherries and if that's how he copes with it, so be it.

  7. I think it's good to see a royal who's enjoying himself. He may party and sleep around, but most guys his age do. University is about studying and enjoying your early twenties. He's got plenty of time to be mature afterwards, and remember, he did argue with his family for the right to enter the army. He's not all bad.

  8. He's a young lad,doing what young lads do.And in case you hadn't noticed,HIS mummy will not be giving him any medals.

  9. What's wrong with ginger hair?

  10. he is just doing what we all do, being English he has to be able to do it better than the rest of us we have a lot to live up to ask the American soldiers, who get cards that say dont drink gamble or fight with the British you will lose,

    it was the media that stopped him going by telling the enemy that he was coming,

    come the revolution  we will be on opposite sides my family & i will be fighting for queen & country as we have  past, present ,& will in the future,

    so  i  best say good by to you now because we will win ,


  11. Get your facts right before ranting about something you know nothing about. You are the typical ignoramus that rants about Royalty without any proof.

  12. Well done.  You're just saying what the rest of us are thinking.  I know times move on, but he's an absolute disgrace and embarrassment as a Royal.  Where's HIS respect for the Royal Family?

  13. I can see no point in having  any of the royal family, the sooner we get rid the better.

  14. The British Royal family are the biggest hypocrites in the world, what they preach is not what they practise.

    They are like wild animals h*mping anything that moves there is more divorce and fall out than in an episode of Dallas.

  15. Royalties are a waste of human life.

  16. to the tower with you

  17. totally agree,he is an embarrassment.Must be in the Hewit blood.

  18. Yes,and he's got ginger hair!!

  19. one: you don't pay for him, he has an army wage and gets other money from his father, who you don't pay for either as he has a private income

    two: he is no worse than most of the other British males aged between 16 and 24

    three: he did want to go with his unit and he had to be talked out of quitting the army when he wasn't allowed to go

    four: yes, he is a pr*t, but so are most people when they are young...especially kids who have lost one of their parents at a young age.


    If you think he couldn't get wasted on military pay, you should get some education by going to Portsmouth or Aldershot for a week or two...plenty of proof to the contrary.

    Seeing as you're calling me stupid, may I suggest you pay SPECIAL attention to the answers you receive for this question you posed earlier:

    you MAY find something to help you...but then again you may be beyond help.

    Second EDIT

    I feel that Harry doesn't do himself any favours, but that he's young and people should leave him alone to mature. There really is little use debating issues with people like you as you are incapable of listening and reasoning.

  20. Agreed, almost as much of a waster as Prince Edward.  All he ever did was start a TV production company that went bust, and get kicked out of the army because he was useless.

  21. Geez, this one's got quite a chip on his shoulder......oh well I still like Harry.

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