
Isn't Ramadan Section fun without Racism?

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Mashallah :D




  1. Ramadan section isn't fun anymore.

    It was fun months ago but not anymore.

    EDIT: Pakistani chap is just upset because he lives in a caravan and he has to buy second-hand clothes from Oxfam and £1 shop so now he's taking his frustration out on me. Its OK p**i chap, if you work hard you can be as rich as Sri Lankan chap in no time xP

    EDIT: Pakistani chap- Its OK, a lot of users here don't like me either. Anyway, you're calling for a war, so I'm gonna give you one.

    For a start, at least Michael Jackson was able to find a wife without looking on the Internet. LOL. I remember you saying how you were chatting up all these girls on the internet (weirdo) and then you called them ugly (probably because they rejected you) and then you said that people who look for love on the internet do so because they can't find any love in real life, basically, you were talking about yourself.

    Sorry to break it to you, pickle boy, but get over yourself. You're not all that. You're just a silly p**i chap.

  2. Masha'Allah it is!  Have no idea of what I just said, hope it's a respectful thing like Hoda Ha Fez which I believe is Farsi for God Bless you and that my new friends is my limit on Arabic languages.

    Came to Ramadan quite by coincidence yesterday by answering a question and was stunned to discover a stream of most insulting racist jokes and I am a non-Muslim. I don't usually "report," but I was expecting to learn something and ran into the same old keerap which is just not conducive to human relations at all.  Am assuming Ramadan is an educational forum and all polite people are welcome to partake.  I may have already learned a new word (haram) which may be  your word for forbidden, ungodly or powerfully rude and I was moved to hit the "report" buttton because of this most hateful hoodlum.

    Wood like to be able to return and ask questions because I am not at all knowledgeable about Islam and your center is a good start.

  3. Alhumdulillah it is :)

  4. Salman Brother ! thats a very valid POint u have just made !

    No racism In islam !

    Arbio di bund ich lun

  5. It sure is without the trolls that MUST creat fights of Shia-Sunni and Arabs, non-Arabs!

    Muslim is Muslim don't you think so?

  6. Salman my bhai, Racism is never fun!

  7. of course it is, now lets hope we wont jinx it.

  8. yessss alhamdulelah

    don't jinx it :P


    looool,..what is happening in the floors below me?XD

  9. Yes!!

    my twin brother!!

    Salman!! :D

    it is really fun!!

  10. yes, so much fun

  11. I agree

  12. The whole wide world and web are fun when people only express politically correct opinions.

  13. yea it really is.

  14. OMG YES  

  15. With or without racism, I wouldn't say this place is fun at all. It's people like Tweety and a few others' who make this place what it is today; that is DULL! Not only are they dull themselves, but they're the cause of dullness in others.

    And I thought fat people were meant to be bubbly, exciting, fun?

    EDIT: We need more people like Faraz on here. Who genuinely do have a weird, funny sense of humour, unlike Tweety, who constantly obsesses over Michael Jackson? How primary school is that..She has such a lousy sense of humour. Does not amuse me or many others one bit. The only time she'll ever be charming is the day she leaves  YA.

    EDIT: The OXFAM insult is prime example of what I'm talkin' bout. Again, so Primary school. And I would actually be proud if I was spending £1.00 a garment in Charity shops. A lot of the celebrities shop at Oxfam, and they set a great example. Come on Tweety, be a little creative with your comebacks. Don't be fooled by the many thumbs up! They're just giving you the thumbs up because they hate me, not because they find you interesting. Shock me, and say something semi-intelligent, or something witty?

    EDIT: Tweety, because you have the intellectual calibre of Winnie the Pooh, and a very lousy sense of humour equivalent to a wet sock, my witty, yet funny questions are lost on you. However, they say you find love in the most unusual places. So what if I was looking for love on YA, that may have been the plan, but after meeting you, I've totally gone off the idea. After meeting you, I have discovered, YA is an easy hideout for ugly looking repuslive women...especially with deflated egos and fake personas. It's girls like you that give womanhood a bad name. You are utterly reprehensible in almost every way. There's nothing about you that is interesting.

    EDIT: Speaking of Michael Jackson's wife. I think he probably did meet her on the internet. As he believes MSN is the closest thing to parking a white van outside a school gate. Who was his wife anyway, Macaulay Culkin?

  16. Yesss!!

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