
Isn't Sarah Palin actually the change that America has been waiting for?

by Guest59452  |  earlier

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and not that stupid socialist idiot Obama?




  1. Whether Palin was a good pick or not is not exactly relevant.  What is relevant is the nature of John McCain’s decision making in this instance.

    Let that simmer with you for a moment.  At the first sign of trouble, McCain abandoned his game plan and went instead with a high risk maneuver that thus far seems to have some pay off, but is coming with a high cost.

    What does that say about how he’ll behave in the realm of foreign policy?  Will he abandon any semblance of a safe and tested plan in favor of a high risk move that will put us and our families in danger?  What about terrorism?  In a McCain administration, I think that this indicates that instead of pursuing a smart and tough anti-terrorism policy, he would engage in a reckless and reactionary response that would only make us less safe and likely put us in another war.

    We can discuss the lack of qualifications for Sarah Palin, and there are plenty, but the biggest problem is that it indicates that John McCain’s temperament and judgment is far below the standards necessary to serve in the Oval Office.

  2. Obviously more so than vice plagarist Biden.

  3. I certainly hope so. Obama makes my stomach roll.

  4. Shes a Stepford Wife. What change?

  5. There is nothing new about Obama

    it is the same old nonsense we have been hearing from the democrats for the past 40+ years

    Palin is a breath of fresh air

    She is the change

    Not Obama

    Obama is just like Hillary

    Full of it

  6. no, she's more of the same

    she has the same views as bush. how is that change?  

  7. People whine and cry about "career politicians" who make it their life to run for political office. They say that these politicians are completely out of touch with middle class Americans. That they have no idea what common folk go through.  Now along comes Sarah Palin who was almost unheard of until a couple days ago. She earned a degree in journalism, is married with 5 kids and became a mayor of a small town and onto being the governor of America's last frontier (Alaska). How more down to earth can you get? And yet some people will cry about how she has no experience. I think she has more life experience than Obama could ever hope for.    And until this country can come together and decide collectively what it wants in our leaders, then we are destined to get exactly the kind of politicians we allow to ruin this country.  Come on America, pull the wool away from your eyes and quit following the flock. Let's give a hardworking self-made woman a chance to show us what she's got.    

  8. Is Woman 2 a Man ?

    No No and h**l Know !

  9. shara who?

    oh you mean that mayor from  a small town  in alaska that have only 9000 peoples in it . i wouldn't trust her as president in  a case where something happen to old man McCAIN  

  10. Her husband works for BP. Wants oil drilling in wildlife places. She does NOT want polar bears on the endangered species list. Supports fly over hunting. Is under investigation for abuse of power. She's probably worse than bush for sheer ignorance. She has NO experience NONE. She was mayor of a city of 9000 people. If you care about woman's rights, human rights, animal rights, and any sort of environmental rights. STAY AWAY from republicans this November.

  11. No. I don't want someone in the White House under investigation for abuse of power. Oh... wait...

  12. Yes!! Sarah Palin will be a great vice president. She is anti-abortion. She knows about offshore drilling. She knows about the war because her son is about to go to war. She is no Obama. She's perfect!

  13. yes.

  14. yeah sure, a hockey mom

    oh excuse me, just your average hockey mom, to quote her

  15. No. And she certainly is not a libertarian.  

  16. While Obama talks about change, she has been actually been accomplishing it, from the grassroots up!

    Talk about putting your money where you mouth is!


    We have 8 years of conservatives... so she would be a change from WHAT?

    It must be so freeing to see the world with your head in the sand.

  18. No.  

  19. Its refreshing to FINALLY have a true representative of blue collar America.. Not some d**n Harvard elitist..

  20. Lets compare:

    Obama who has served as Senator and talks constantly about change, has accomplished absolutely nothing. He has trumpeted no causes and he has never fought against the status quo or government corruption/waste.

    The few times Obama has voted, it has been for the status quo, government waste and along partisan party lines.

    Palin has spent her career fighting corruption in oil companies and corruption within her own state. She even fought corrupt members of her own party.

  21. Yes!  A refreshing woman with many more accomplishments than either NObama, or Biden, unless hot air is a measurement of accomplishment.

  22. Palin is full of energy, has direct experience as an Executive

    is courageous and not afraid to take on the Oil Companies

    and push for energy Independence

    shes fresh   not some worn out Washington wannabee President (Biden)

    no contest

    She has run government on the local level and the State Level

    she see's corruption and she attacks

    its exactly what this country needs

    instead of all these wannabee Stars

  23. Yes, I'm so excited!!

  24. Sarah who?!

  25. uh this question makes no sense, 48 hours ago you wouldn't have asked it.

  26.   I wouldnt care what gender or color  "Sarah" is . Whats important is her sense of justice and devotion to a cause.  We need a person just like her that will fight for all of us not just for some of us. She poses a real threat to the staus quo shes a mover and a shaker  a quake in your boots maker.  I believe in her already i know in my heart she will do what is right and is ready and able to fight the good fight.

  27. Change??  She like a mini feminine George Bush

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