
Isn't Sarah Palin the perfect pick for VP?

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She will bring conservative executive experience and I think that its an award winning ticket




  1. Since I don't know too much about her I don't know... all I know is I am still undecided about McCain because of this... :/

  2. well, it's McCain's perfect pick for a running mate.  she'll never be Vice President, though.


  4. Clever choice. Female - might attract some Hilary supporting Dems. Compliments McCain's age - She's 44. She's solid - might reassure some Republicans wavering on account of McCain's flip-flopping.

    Glad to see that the Republicans are capable of thinking unlike the Dems. Politics is about winning.

  5. Yes.  She has executive experience.  I am sooooooooo happy!!  Yes! Yes! Yes!

  6. McCain is in a lot of trouble picking a women who don't have the credential as Hillary Clinton  she will be eaten alive by Joe Biden in a debate.  Palin is not ready to run this country if something happen to McCain like him having a heart attack .Oh well there go the experience issue .


  7. I agree. Great move for McCain.

  8. She's got a nice @ss too.

  9. It reminds me of George H.W.Bush picking Dan Quayle.  Shot in the dark.  Only time will tell whether it works.

  10. Not sure what award it would win. Best Pandering by a presidential candidate? Most desperate move in an election year?

    Watch all those Republicans who said Obama didn't have enough experience suddenly decide that it's alright after all.

  11. Yee, I can she her bring in the Bush experience to the party for another 4 years - It just make me depressed and miserable.  

  12. If that woman can handle 5 kids she can handle anything.!

  13. no. i see it to the equivalent of a corporate marketing move to appeal to a wider audience.

    how long you think itll be before mccain cheats on his second wife?

  14. McCain may be an old dog, but he prooved he's got the strategy and smarts to be Commander in Chief.  

  15. Nothing quite like GOP desperation.

    You know for a fact that they wouldn't pick a woman unless they were painted into a corner and it was the only way out.

    Anyone who votes for McCain because he chose a woman VP was already a few brain cells short of a synapse.

  16. There is no "perfect pick" for VP. The VP choice is irrelevant; this has been shown to be the case for at least the last 100 years.

    The VP "debates" will be the sideshow they always are. The real show will be McCain dismantling Mr. Perfect limb-by-limb. It's gonna be SO PURTY to watch, too! :-))

  17. She has a whole two years in office.  I thought that wasn't enough experience.

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