
Isn't Sir Terry Wogan a national treasure?

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It is great to wake up to his witty tales on Radio 2, and Eurovision is only watchable because he take the p**s out of the whole thing. And he has an unlikely golf world record, having sunk the longest televised putt in history.

The manager of The Commitments had imaginary interviews with him.

And his Spitting Image puppet was one of the best.




  1. He's good,he's popular,but he's not endearing to the majority of people that I know.I'm no snob but are we obsessed with celebrity ?

  2. Absolutely - Terry for Prime Minister! I quoted his wisdom on here once though and got loads of 'thumbs downs', so I guess not everyone appreciates his sense of humour!

  3. You are right! Tel is a treasure.

    Here is a man who has faced all the BS and taken none of it seriously.

  4. I suppose he his, and he's not poor either!

    He's got a soothing voice and a good sense of humour.

    T.V and Radio legend.

  5. Is he, though? Or do people like him for ironic reasons? (Like Rolf Harris.)

  6. Whenever I switch him on, he seems to be reading letters and emails from listeners.  Doesnt' he ever say anything original?  At least Ken Bruce makes up a few jokes occasionally.

  7. The older I get the more I like him.

  8. Chris P...I'm with you on the Janet and John stories, they're priceless.

    I listen to Wogan most days and love the show. I like the music he plays (mostly) and I love the banter with the news reader of the week and his producer.

  9. We liked him in Ireland, too, when he was on Radio here. He's very funny.

  10. I love Wogan in the morn, without whom the world seems full of scorn X

  11. i think he is an irish T W ATT

  12. I love the Togmiester, and his minions like the welsh travel floozy and the 'Am burgler from northolt the one and only boggy Marsh, and as for his Janet and John stories...bloody hilarious.

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