
Isn't The Earth Just A Billion Year Old Piece Of Space junk?

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Isn't The Earth Just A Billion Year Old Piece Of Space junk?




  1. All we are is   'Dust in the Wind'.

  2. You callin' my planet a piece o' junk? Them's fightin' words.

  3. Yes, I think it's 14 billion specifically...


  4. hey im only 12 and i think global warming is like the ice age so if it happens it if we stop cars it just slows it down.were doomed lol not EMO before you think that

  5. YOU,could say so.BUT we are just specks on a planet that will be blown away in time.NO matter

    what will happen we can't stop it.when it happens everything will just be dust in the wind.NO matter  who has the money,not a nother day can be  bought.

    Where will we be on Domes day?

  6. Interesting question.

    Junk is man made. All matter after its use fullness is over becomes  a Junk or waste.

    Earth is  a " Natural Matter" and all biota  lives on it, it's use fullness is not yet exhausted. It is a unique planet supporting life forms.


  7. It is in fact a ball of muck, in orbit around a bloody big light bulb, and is populated by a mish-mash of parasitic micro-organisms that swarm and multiply upon its surface!!

    For some reason, those organisms, typically the ones called human beings, seem to think they're so big and important that they can change the course of nature.  They forget that they can easily be wiped out like germs, and just as quickly.

    It is an immutable certainty that human kind will not be around indefinitely, so let's enjoy it while we can, eh?

  8. Not with me on board  its not.

  9. Earth is like billions of years old it isn't just a floating peice of junk!

    it is beautiful !

    You can fix it STOP GLOBABL WARMING!

    anyone who disagree's with this

    F U!

  10. I don't think so , I mean earth has a reason for being a planet and a planet with water and life don't you think??

  11. urm...basically yes. =)

  12. Grey - Mar.

    An excellent opinion and I do think you are one hundred percent correct in saying that we will eventually be eradicated. I myself think that a comet or asteroid will do the biz but disease cannot be ruled out. Nice one, your answers are brill !!!

  13. give  or  take  a  few  years   yes  lets  fire  rocket  shoot  it  down  in  flames   what  planet  we  going  to  orbit  now  with  our  debris..nice  not   ....some  junk  can  be  nice   just  needs  remodelling

  14. It is closer to 350 billion years old and really has improved considerably since it started. Space junk? Not a all, it actually is made up of exactly the right components to create life as we know it. If I was going to say, Space Junk, I think the moon is closer to that.

  15. No, the Earth is NOT a billion-year-old piece of space junk.

    It's about 4.5 billion years old.

    Other than that... let's see, made of the wreckage of exploded stars, covered with all this messy water, chaotic atmosphere (another star-product) and inhabited by millions of varieties of carbon-based muck doing all kinds of disgusting things...

    Yeah, I have to agree with you.  Junk!

    (Posted by a piece of carbon-based muck.)

  16. Well, it is now after what we have done to it.  And it definitely wont get any better....

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