
Isn't banning fast food restaurants a little too much like dictatorship?

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Wouldn't it make just as much, if not more sense to ban tobacco to stem the tide of lung cancer or outlaw alchohol to curb alchoholism? This sounds like the beginning of something very bad to me. Whay are your thoughts?




  1. Totally!  This has me SO irritated!  Where is the personal responsibility?  People can choose NOT to eat at these places.  Lot's of us do!  I eat at them on occasion but I know eating at fast food joints everyday is not good for me.  Why do I have to miss out because some people are too stupid to know this?  And, besides, banning fast food restaurants is not going to make the obesity rate decline.  People are fat because they eat too much and they don't move enough.  Fast food is only partially to blame.

  2. Maybe they should offer tax incentives to serve healthier foods instead of doing an outright ban.

  3. you can say that, but it might be a blessing in disguise

  4. They shouldn't ban them, but try to suggest changes on the menu, or the low-grade ingredients they use, or bad combination of foods they serve.

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