
Isn't calling a sportster or v-rod "fast" kinda like....?

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Calling A P-51 or a P-38 fast?

sure they are fast compared to other ww2 planes like the B-29 or the B-17...

and yes i guess that's a "fair" comparison, but a slap in the face to the word "fast" as compared to airplanes as a whole...

But the honest truth is that harley's like ww2 planes can NEVER keep up with modern planes, even at a fraction of the size/cost...

and nothing compares to a SR-71 "Blackbird"

Since i've put it into perspective,

Do you honestly think these boat anchors are FAST?




  1. Since when has the enjoyment and love of riding motorcycles

    been based on how fast it will go.

  2. And like loyal Harley owners, there are people in the flying fraternity that would own no other aircraft but their 'warbirds'.

    So what's your point?


  4. could you call a caddilac nice?  or luxurious?  i mean, sure, compared to other GM products, but look at bentley, or rolls royce.  i mean, doesn't that make caddilac, a "luxury" car, totally pointless?

  5. So you are calling a V-Rod 0-60 mph in 3.3 seconds slow? A Hayabusa is just a little faster at 2.5 seconds. And how can you compare a any land limited vehicle to a SR-71.

    The V-Rod is a modern day designed engine. The water cooled engine was designed by Porsche. They also designed a V-4 engine in what was called a "Nova".

    CNC~ If you have a component within a vehicle, you can't call in what it is. What if you have a Porsche with a Transmission made by Mercedes, do you not call it a Porsche?

  6. While I am no fan of Harley the V Rod could be considered fast. Of course it has a engine designed by Porsche so you really can not call it a Harley. Its a hybred of a German engine, Japanese front end, brakes and some made in Taiwan parts, assembled in the U.S.A. Why is the resale value of these so bad ? Notice that is never mentioned in any conversation regarding a V Rod but is one of the first bullets out of the Harley owners gun when justifying their purchase.

  7. What is the big deal about going fast? Did you ever hear about the race between the rabbit and the turtle?  LOL

  8. Now magz, remember that there's a difference between true speed (actual speed) and apparent speed (seat of the pants speed).  

    For example, a 747 airplane is certainly fast when cruising 550 mph, but when setting there watching a movie, you have no impression of how fast it is actually going until the pilot announces it on the intercom.

    If you happened to be scrunched up between two large, fat, sweating individuals whose bellies mash out over the armrest and into your lap, that plane wouldn't be fast enough if it left a Blackbird standing still!

    On the other hand, the old Kawasaki 2 stroke triples were certainly fast for their time, but even today they would give the impression of being fast because of their engine noise, their tendency to pop wheelies when least expected and their rubber frames made going around curves like trying to steer a hog into a truck by slipping a bucket over its head and jumping on its back.  (Yes, that can be done, but it's NOT EASY!)

    Ok, closer to home, I bet 100 mph on the old 750 Honda I had would feel or seem a lot faster than 100 mph on your bike because your bike would have power to spare, less engine noise and with its superior frame and suspension, make high speed riding feel comfortable and safe.  

    Study up on Einstein's theories of relativity and you'll understand what I'm saying.

  9. The whole idea is moot.  You can't go faster than the speed limit anyway.

    Good Luck...

  10. I'd be willing to bet along with many of the other participants here that if you, yes you, fully opened the throttle on either of the bikes mentioned you would have a "butt pucker" experience. That is unless you killed yourself in the first couple of seconds.

  11. I don't buy a motorcycle to drive it 145mph. I buy a motorcycle because I love to see the country while riding a motorcycle. I love to pack up a sleeping roll and some clothes and hit the open road, when I get tired I rest and move on. I got the speed bug out of me when I was younger. If all you care about is going fast, buy a bike for that.

  12. No, it's kinda like a Corvette owner bashing a Cadillac owner because the Cadillac won't ....

    Oops, I forgot, you're a Cadillac owner.  Sorry.

  13. V-Rod top speed is about 140 MPH. While not exactly Busa range, it's more than enough to get into trouble.

  14. Check with the NHRA under Pro- Stock motor cycle racing. V-Rod doesn' kick every body's butt because they are slow.

  15. my night rod special has good looks and enough punch to keep up with sport bikes

    fast for a 650 lb machine...... you dont see people picking

    these babies up and loading them onto a van when being stolen

  16. wow... holy ****, I can see I haven't missed much in the past few months.

    basically your analogy is flawed, new fighter planes are only 4 or 5 times faster than their WWII counterparts, you need something more like funny cars compared to the fat kid from high school gym class in a quarter mile. This one serves a dual purpose because half the time the high schooler won't make it. and NO PUTTING CANDY BARS ON THE FINISH LINE... thats cheating.

    captain awesome is a straight up r****d because corvette has always been at the very forefront of engine technology, look at the domed pistons, and the rest of the LS1 for that matter, balsa wood panels, and a four paddle blower on the ZR1 the only old thing about a C6 is the styling.

    and if you can show me a V-rod that costs as much as a honda shadow 1100 that can run a 3.3 0-60 I'll give you my gixxer!

    now fast is an unattached term, runners can be fast, but compared to sport bikes they're nothing and can't do too much against harlies either. Basically I'm trying to say it's relative to the context, if someone was saying the v-rod is fast compared to other harleys or most cars I could live with that. If they were talking about bikes in general then there's some justification for this post.

  17. A Sportster is a lot faster than my 2001 Honda Shadow 1100.  That bike was very slow!  And it lacked a 6th gear.  So, when comparing the Sportster to other bikes in its market segment, no.  The Sportster does pretty well.  About the same price, too.

    As far as the V-rod goes, it is a hybrid bike.  Part cruiser, part sport bike.  So don't put it in the same category as full blown race bikes.  That is just ignorant and idiotic.

    Would you call a corvette slow just because an F1 racecar is faster?  The Corvette uses pretty old technology, such as a pushrod engine.  People who compare cruisers to sport bikes are idiots.

  18. Here we go again !!!!

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