
Isn't dangerous ,"@ G8 Developing nations don't back Climate issue"?

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Isn't dangerous ,"@ G8 Developing nations don't back Climate issue"?




  1. The only CRISIS I see right now is the Billions of dollars we are sending overseas to despots, and dictators to import oil and petroleum products--

    While our Congress goes on fact finding tours to the Caribbean! and the South Pacific.

    While the "developing" countries will NEVER support any plan that raises their energy costs--- this completely defeats any hope of lowing CO2 concentrations.

  2. I feel so it is must important that we have to concentrate on CLIMATE issue. If we got a good climatic condition then the problem of economic crisis may comedown by way of natures help in developing Agriculture and nature related industry thats why we have to concentrate on the climate issue as of now i think.

  3. yeah its quiet dangerous that the G8 nation did not provide a concrete plan & a road map to cut emissions & cut the carbon emissions to reduce carbon in atmosphere.

    Some of these G8 nation are the greatest contributor of carbon into earth atmosphere.An average American emits carbon more than double of the global avg(9.8).

    But its quiet heartening to note that US is not a signatory of Kyoto protocol & being the largest economy had the bargaining power to pollute the atmosphere.

    In this G8 submit there was not a fixed road map, guideline,abiding rule or targeted value to be set  for the reduction of green houses gases.The nation decided to cut the emission by 50% by the end of 2050. But there was no definition of the base year to be taken for this purpose.

    There was no define goal set for the technological innovation to be done to reduce this emission of gases.

    each & every nation fearing about its industry didn't raise the issue of cap & trade or taxation policy to fund for the technological innovation & to fund the poor & third world population in their effort to reduce green house gases.

    The deals & negotiations only seemed to maintain a high pollution stage of 1990's thinking it as the suitable time for which the environmental pollution should be taken.But they don' discuss about the repair method for the environment so that the changes that had been done to environment since 19 cent is should be reversed.

  4. A lot of people just don't believe that significant AGW is even going to happen.  Some think that even if human activity does cause some measurable warming, that's not going to be bad.

    Leaders of democracies try to please as many voters as possible, to it seems they want to commit to non-binding targets far in the future so they can be seen to be doing something without necessarily doing anything.

  5. Behind the Green Curtain (Environmentalism for landgrab)

    Our right to own property is at the core of freedom and liberty. Simply put, if you can’t own property, you become property! Is the environmental movement really concerned with protecting nature or is there a hidden agenda to control and eliminate private property? Who is behind this movement? Are the constitutional rights of ordinary citizens being systematically violated?

    Behind The Green Curtain blows back the green veil hiding the environmental movement. It reveals a dark, cynical reality of the movement unconcerned about nature and the environment. It focuses on the mega-foundations and the financial elite behind them. Learn about their hidden agenda of power, control and the goal of eliminating private property altogether!

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