
Isn't everyone a feminist really?

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I mean, if you believe in equal rights for men and women, doesn't that make you a feminist?

I sometimes see statements about wage gap disagreements being used as a whole dismissal of feminism, but in social theory, that just means you are a different kind of feminist, not a genuine anti-feminist, who doesn't believe in equal rights for men and women at all. What are your thoughts? :-)




  1. I believe a woman's place is in the home.  I blame the feminist movement for creating a society where women can no longer stay home and take care of their families.  I must work because the feminist movement has created a situation where the man can not bring in enough income to support their families so now women are forced to work too.  It used to be that a man could make enough money to support the entire family without the woman having to work.  But because of the woman's movement men's wages have been cut to line up with women's wages so now both people have to work to make ends meet.

  2. I am not a feminist,  There.

    I say this because my vision of what feminism is differs from yours.  You see it as a social movement to promote equality.  I see it is a social/political movement that aims to socially engineer society to greatly favour women.  Because my definition is as I have said, I cannot, by any means, ascribe the term 'feminist' to myself.

    You also make a mistake: " mean, if you believe in equal rights for men and women, doesn't that make you a feminist?"

    You mention equal rights for men.  Feminism has no aims for male equality, or to protect male equality.  We do not feature in feminist dogma except as those who allegedly threaten female equality.  Much of feminism actually seeks special privileges for women.

    Sorry if this is not your starry-eyed view of feminism, but there are a multitude of re-interpretations as to what feminism may be, and many of them are correct, from a certain perspective.

  3. The problem is this:

    People who don't call themselves feminists are satisfied with truly equal rights.  People who call themselves feminists go beyond demanding equal rights for women.

    The only way it would work is if we all call ourselves feminists and you all stop.

  4. I suppose, but the difference between people who believe in equality and feminists is that feminists believe that men are useless to the world and should be killed. Over and over again, I've heard feminists claim that they don't need men to procreate or to be happy. I don't know about them, but the last time I checked, I need a sperm to fertilize my egg if I want to have a baby. Also, I enjoy the company of my boyfriend.

    Feminists tend to go way overboard with SEVERAL things...

    I hope I made sense...

  5. That's assuming that everyone who claims to support equal rights actually does.  But if you read between the lines of what people who call themselves equalists argue you'll find some contradictions.  

    So far I have heard self-proclaimed equalist argue:

    1.That women and men are equal but women shouldn't try to work and be mothers at the same time.  That's a privalege for men and men only.

    2. Women dedicating too little time to their  children is causing the moral decay of youth.  Whereas a father can be barely present in the house. If he spends 10 to 12  hours at his desk he's just being a good provider.  

    3. Women's liberation is fomenting homo-sexuality, feminizing men, and creating unfit, sissified, dis-functional males.  This is the most ironic argument of them all considering the fact that psychiatrists from the fifties were actually arguing the opposite.  Mother's were once accused of creating momma's boys who were unable to become independent adults because they were spending too much time with them.  Psychiatrists once called this over-absorbtion. It seems that mothers will be scrutinized by someone no matter what they do.

    Basically what I'm getting at is this; not everyone who claims to be a proponent of equality and feminism by what they say is the original definition and intent actually is. For many the arguments for equality and against the movement are just smokescreens for their true desires to put women back where they feel their place is.

  6. i agree, but in our society i think that whenever someone gets labled a femenist they have to be very strongly spoken about it..

  7. I agree!

  8. No, that does not make me a feminist.

    Not that i hate the cause, or anything i actually approve and support gender equality to the 100%.

    But i am totally against the de-masculinization of men, extremist anti- abuse laws, i think that equality is almost here, i'm pro choice, i don't like it that fathers can have their children aborted just because the mother wants so, excessive complaining about how life is, and of course, the nonsense laws proposed by Harriet Harman(for her equality consists in discriminating)

  9. I'm a feminist based on that definition of the word.

    I am largely anti-feminist MOVEMENT, if that makes sense.  I'm against a lot of what the feminist organizations are doing now.  They seem to be doing silly things now for the most part, and just griping more than getting anything useful done.  Plus, they've already got the advantage in some ways in society.

    I guess you could say most of us are different kinds of feminists (a few aren't).  It just depends on if you define feminism as the BELIEF in equal rights or the MOVEMENT.

  10. Isn't everyone an anti-feminist since they believe the radical feminists are full of it?

  11. Sure Ele.  Whatever you say.  :P

  12. The only genuine anti-feminist I've seen here has been Laela. Everyone else is just trying to claim genuine feminism as their own invention.

  13. yes i agree ppl get the wrong idea of feminist perceiving them to be bra burning man hating lesbien but i believe tht men can b feminists too

  14. I haven't every really thought of it that way, but I guess you have a point...

  15. I don't like being labeled anything at all thank you very much!

  16. Feminist-  the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.  

  17. Nope..

    Because feminism isn't about equality, it is a movement that focuses solely on the interest of women.

  18. except for those who don't believe in equal rights i suppose

  19. I'm not a feminist. I don't proclaim to strive for equality and then do the opposite.

  20. I don't, never have and never will; however, I do know that at times they just come along naturally.  I most definitely don't believe in that dang forced stuff, nor do I while away my hours bemoaning them.

  21. It is hard to find fault with the premise of feminism.  Even 90% of anti-feminists can usually support the textbook definition of feminism.  Unfortunately, the movement has strayed from its textbook intentions.  This is why you get a lot of anti-feminists springing up.

  22. No.

    Read the links: (Very good e-book)

    What was it you were saying about feminism and equal rights again?

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