
Isn't he the c**k!est 10 year old on the face of the earth..?!?

by  |  earlier

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Woah is my the biggest ba$tard ever or what?

his only 10 years old and already he tells my mom when she can and can't leave the house?! sometimes when she wants to go out with her friends and my dad looks after us, he gets all like no you can't go out and starts screaming at her and she actually doesn't go out. believe it or not, last week it was her birthday and she was going to go out with her friends and my brother said you can't go out and started shouting saying stuff ( he said i hope you get drunk, walk into the road, get knocked over and die ) and she didn't go out for her birthday.

the other day he said to me "turn the hose the other way you worthless slag"

then the other day my cousin said to him "wow you eat sooooo much your going to be a fat b! soon!" and he said "women are *****.ez, not much so fk you!"

what ever my mom says to him, he responds to her either "p**s off, or **** off or get out of my face"

his the most cocky, rude, horrible, tacky, nasty, controlling kid i have everrrrrr met in my whole entire life and i swear on my life to that, my mom or dad don't punish him ( i think because his a male ) they have never hit him where as when i was his age me and my sister who are twins used to get beat with belts, hangers and everything you can name, from my mom and dad. they wouldn't even touch him. i'm 16 years old and his 10, his behaviour appules me. what should i do? his going to grow up to be a woman abusing tramp..




  1. That kids needs a d**n good hiding and boot camp!

  2. talk to your parentz

  3. punch him upside the head<3

    lol u can do it

    ur parents cant!<3

  4. he is he kinda sounds lyk sum1 i no but hes not my bro....he needs counsoling

  5. That kid needs a d**n good smack, and it should be your mum who gives it to him!

    She needs to start asserting herself with that boy or he's going to start hitting her when he's a bit bigger.

  6. It sounds to me like you need to talk to someone with more knowledge than us....I think you should talk to a teacher you trust at school if you are going back to school after summer. Or maybe go in to Connections if you have one nearby.

    Otherwise there's childline you can speak to.

    Its not fair for you to have to live in this environment and your right to look at the future...he's not going to suddenly change into a respectful gentleman if he's allowed to get away with this behaviour. Does you family know how you feel and how you view things? Maybe you could talk to mum and dad when your brother is out of the way. They might not realise how much its bothering you.

    Worst comes to worst maybe you have an aunt you can stay with for a few days over the summer if you need a break!

  7. Your parents hit you? How horrible, I can't stand to hear about abuse. What is wrong with your father letting him treat your mother like that? Your parents have serious problems. He is going to grow up and end up in prison. But, I will bet he is in the juvenille system long before that. If he hits you you can have him arrested(your brother) and if I were you I would do just that. Seems like something has to be done. You could also call child protective services, they can step in and MAKE him get counseling or even put him in placement where he can get help. Beleive me you will be doing him a favor. I feel bad for you.

  8. hah...

    im a girl but when i was 10, if i would have acted like this my older brothers would have beat the c**p out of me.

    ur 16, i say... if his behavior effects u then do something about it. nothing you"say" will change his behavior he needs to be punished.

  9. well, it seems as though the child in question has some anger problems. you might expect this from a 15 year old boy (hrm, im a 15 year old boy and im not like that) but 10YEARSOLD!?!

    i guess the only thing you can do is try to talk to him about it or somehow get him to see a counselor/therapist to help sort out whatever problems he has

  10. This kid needs a beating, and I mean it.  No little spanking would do it.  This child needs strict punishment and needs to change.  So, why can't his dad discipline him?   My kids were bad but not like that!

  11. This kid seriously needs some discepline...You need to talk to your parents about proper punishment for his language and not to be bossed around by him. Also, you may want him to avoid this cousin, because he seems to be just as bad.  If they don't listen, get some other adult involved, maybe a teacher or kind neighbor... This is for his health and safety for the future.

  12. Man that ***** is really a ****.. i CATNT bear him..Just insult him 4 this behaviors in front of ur parents and hit him then its all done..Or just take the other way and try being friendly and all..And make him realise his mistake

  13. If your parents really don't punish him and he's as horrible as your saying he is, I would [responsibly] deal with it. Record his behavior in secret and show it to your parents or family members. I would suggest counseling. Since he's an adolescent now, he probably won't consider you an authourity but I would maturely express to him that you hate what he's doing. As angry as you probably are, I can tell that you probably unconditionally love him but every child needs to respect their parents. I know how you feel and I know anything I say is going to sound trite but just know I'm praying for you and try to gently help your parents understand your frustration. If anything can be learned from this, you now know that letting your kids walk all over you doesn't work and your brothers example will help you raise your kids in the future. He might even grow out of it, you never know. :)

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