
Isn't healing without medicine better for you than taking medicine?

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I believe in healing the natural way if I'm sick, I will allow my body to fight off the infection or sickness by itself. I don't like taking medicine because it is not something my body created to help fight the sickness. Whenever I'm sick, my father gives me medicine to take to get me better. He gets upset if i dont take it. He says If i dont take medicine now, somewhere down the line, i will be crazy and my sicknesses will worsen. Is that true?? and yes or not..healing without medicine is better? what od you think?




  1. NO!!!!! If you don't take medicine you can kill yourself my mom when I was little had a 'cold' but she didn't take anything for it a week later she was in the hospital for 5 days with pneumonia. Many medicines are natural. Penicillin is actually yes I mean it- a mold! Don't feel like taking medicine is unnatural either dogs and some cats eat grass to help with stomach problems. Not getting rid of an illness fast can weaken your immune system while it's fighting and you can catch something much worse even life-threataning

  2. No, prevention is the best practice. By eating properly exercising, getting enough sleep, eating vitamins and avoiding all recreational drugs it is possible to avoid the majority of common illnesses.

    Caffeine and refined sugar are drugs just like nicotine and alcohol.

  3. For little things you don't need medicine and it's better not to use it because the more antibiotics used, the more viruses evolve, the less medicine works.

    For big things- fever- you should definitely take medicine. It is not to your or anybody elses advantage to be sick, and I think your body gets better antibodies anyways.

  4. I don't like taking my medicine at times, but my mom won't like it if I had skipped it, but I try to eat healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables or anything that is good for the bodies defences so it could stay healthier longer.

  5. There is a philosophical difference between alternative doctors and allopathic doctors.  Allopathic doctors believe in taking medicine for the organisms that invade the body.  They believe that the body needs help and we should eliminate bacteria and viruses from the human race to be healthier.

    The alternative doctors believe that the body has everything it needs to fight off bacteria and viruses itself, it just needs proper nutrition (, plenty of water and exercise, and reduction of outside stresses.  There are certain things that you need medicine for such as diabetes and thyroid problems, but if you were able to prevent these by reducing the stress on the body, then you might not even need these medicines.  And of course, when your body is overcome by the virus or bacteria, you really have no choice if you want to live, you need medicine.

    But, in general, the human body is an amazing thing that protects itself, heals itself and regrows whatever it needs (except brain tissue).  They define health not as the absence of illness, but rather the ability of the body to respond to stress and heal itself back to optimal function.  Health is maintained by diet, exercise, proper biomechanics, water, stress reduction, sleep and spiritual balance.

  6. it sounds you aren't sure about what medicine really is, granted there's some crazy chemical based theories of what our govt. calls medicine, but I'm homeopathic and there are natural ways to cure any ailment sometimes your body needs a lil something to help fight off some bad element in you, hygiene isn't practiced as much as it should be, I would get a natural holistic healing book and some homeopathic books to really understand herbs and supplements that can help, big hugs

  7. well idk, but i do kno that I do the same thing u do, and when i DO take medicine, it never helps me. and its nasty so theres no point in taking it unless u REALLY need it.

  8. That is what I believe also.  I think that all the natural stuff that man has modified and we have been putting into our bodies is the reason there is so much disease now and why it affects people at a much younger age.

    Here is my blog about natural health solutions.  It may be of interest to you.

  9. It's not as simple as you make it.  Sometimes the body is too sick to heal itself without intervention.  (As the Bible says, "There is a time for EVERY purpose under heaven..." in Ecclesiastes.)  As an example, I am diabetic and have a genetic blood clotting disorder wherein I am called "Heterozygously Positive for Factor V Hypercoagualability Disorder".  This disorder only manifests when I am pregnant and more importantly, postpartum.  It causes my veins to fill with blood clots.  I have thrown a pulmonary embolism which almost killed me, 5 weeks postpartum with my first child.  The treatment for this is life-saving and consists of IV therapy for 10-14 days with Heparin sodium to dissolve the clots and after that, several years of Coumadin to keep my blood thin so they don't form again.  Heparin is also naturally synthesized from porcine and ovine origin (livers, I think).  I had immense difficulty even looking at taking a drug, especially while pregnant and nursing.  I actually went in to therapy over the issue and my therapist said something to me, which I have NEVER forgotten.  He said, "Look at this medicine as a sacrament, as something holy which is keeping you alive and well so that you can mother your son to adulthood and be here on Earth with him rather than in an early grave..." and he was so very right on.  I work in multiple Alt. Med fields as a master herbalist, a homeopath and a massage therapist, amongst many other credentials, but I am not so rabid or fanatical an Alt. Med. advocate that I can't go to the hospital or to an allopath or even to a surgeon when I need to.  The blessings, from where I stand are in the intelligent use of the right modality at the right time, with minimum number of invasive treatments, and minimum number of synthetic chemicals, radiation, cautery, cutting, surveilling (as in ultrasounds and MRI's).  The grace comes when one knows what to do and uses intelligence, wit and understanding, as well as faith that we are all doing the best we can and at all times, trying to do the right things for ourselves and others.

    Before the advent of insulin in the 1920's, which was originally synthesized from pork, sheep, and cow pancreases, the story for diabetes was basically a death sentence, and in fairly short order, with horrific sequelae such as loss of toes, calves, eventually legs, sight and kidney function.  Even today, life expectancy from kidney failure as a result of diabetes is 5 years, MAX.  From simple things such as colds and some flus, splinters, blisters, some childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, yeah, for the most part these can be (and historically always were) treated at home with primarily enforced bedrest, good nutrition and tender loving care on the part of the women in the home--mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, etc.  ONLY very rarely was hospitalization ever required or recommended for these illnesses.  What you need to keep in mind is that we all have on average 48 mutant genes within our body, just waiting for the prompting to go off or to manifest their mutation.  So yeah, diet and lifestyle are important, but they are in no way the entire picture.  Sometimes health is just a crapshoot.  And while we're on the subject of illnesses and parents, specifically your father, of course he gets upset when you don't take the medicine he thinks is beneficial and necessary for you.  He loves you, does not want to see you suffer, and perhaps even believes somewhere inside himself that you could die or be truly hurt worse if you "don't take your medicine".  What he and many others fail to understand and to believe anymore is that the body has INNATE healing power and INNATE healing ability of its own and that the process itself of fighting disease can actually strengthen both the body and the immune system.  The flip side of this is that sometimes the sickness, or the infecting agent can get TOTALLY out of hand and overcome the person, so what I'm trying to say here is that there is both an art and multiple techniques for knowing what to do when, and how.  What your father may not have enough experience to know or to understand is that for as many people as there are that have been helped by allopathic medicine, there are at least as many who've been terribly hurt by it and its misuse and overuse.  As an example, my daughter is a meningococcemia survivor and has had 9 surgeries.  My experience with surgeons is that they promise you the sun, the moon and the stars and often end up being able to deliver on very, very little if anything at all.  I had a surgeon swear to me that Achilles' Tendon lengthening would solve all my daughter's mobility problems and would be the answer to our prayers.  The beneficial effects of the surgery lasted for less than 18 months.  

    Considering we live in a world where most of the posters on this forum cannot spell or read correctly, considering we live in a world where women have given birth fullterm, and not had an inkling they were pregnant, (yeah read that as they were and are THAT out of touch with their own bodies and the process of life itself), doesn't it kinda make sense to cut your losses and consult with a professional when in doubt?  Natural healing takes intelligence, learning and the willingness to take responsibility for one's own health.  Most people in the US do not BEGIN to want to take that level of responsibility for themselves.  I am interested in those who do.

  10. "Isn't healing without medicine better for you than taking medicine?"  Sure.  But it doesn't always work that way.  Sometimes your body needs help to heal.  And many times, people take medicines to help them feel better while the healing process is going on.  Nothing wrong with that.

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