
Isn't hit-and-run a serious offense? Why was Robert Knovak just charged with failing to yield right-of-way?

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Hi hit a pedestrian and didn't even notice the man on his hood as he drove on. There were witnesses to this. What's the deal?




  1. He's important. They don't do bad stuff to the celebrities and important people. It IS a serious offense. Is that his reasoning for leaving? He didn't see a person on the hodd of his car?? UGH!! How stupid. The people that are supposedly important get special treatment. We should all be equal. That's what the USA is about, right? That makes me SO mad!!

  2. Yes it's  serious,

    but when ya have money ya can get out of just about anything.

  3. I'm glad you asked this, because I was wondering the same thing.  The bicyclist who stopped Novak witnessed the whole thing and said the pedestrian was "splayed across his windshield."  Is Novak legally blind?  I don't see how you could not be aware that you hit a person.

  4. Yes, a hit and run is a serious crime and can serve up to 5 year prison sentence. You're talking about a famous journalist, Robert Novak, who hit a homeless 85 year old man, of course Novak is gonna get away with it. How can you run over someone and not feel it, please.

  5. who's robert knovak?

  6. Who knows why a person was given only failing to yield right-of-way. I know someone who was drunk, hurt several people and was thrown in prison for a long time. I bet with Knocak is was a plea bargain, but I don't know.

  7. Reserve judgment!  We don't know all the facts of this case and it'd be hard to make up your mind on just the few facts noted.  Who said he didn't notice, the victim? the driver? a witness?  You have to know who did what to who, (when and where and why too) before you go jumping to a conclusion.

    Did this person JUMP onto the hood or did he in fact get HIT by the car?  Did Knovak attempt to miss this individual?  Is this person trying to set up Knovak for a  huge lawsuit? Is this a continuation of a previous altercation? There are a million questions to be answered before judgments can be made.

    "Important" won't make it go away; however, the media circus may do damage to the prosecutions case - it usually does!

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