
Isn't hydrogen very explosive? How is that controlled? See below...?

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Honda's new zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell car rolled off a Japanese production line Monday and is headed to Southern California, where Hollywood is already abuzz over the latest splash in green motoring.




  1. Hydrogen is nearly impossible to transport because of how dangerous it is and not a very viable alternative energy solution for cars.

  2. Hydrogen is explosive.  Recall footage of the Hindenburg.  Gasoline; not the liquid but the vapors are very explosive.  The fuel injection nozzles in your engine spray a fine mist of gas into the cylinder which is compressed by the piston,  When the spark plug fires, the gas is ignited and the piston is pushed down.  Work is being done.  The zoom sound you hear from a car is all the little controlled explosions going off which is how the engine is designed to run.

  3. Gasoline is more explosive than hydrogen.

  4. It is explosive but you can control the explosive nature.

    By splitting the hydrogen from the Oxygen in water, it is a very efficient method that is greener the gasoline.

    The big companies are against change because they will loose $.

    That's why they purchased copy rights years ago. After acquiring them, they buried them in their vaults to prevent change...

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