
Isn't is hard to believe that 28 years ago their were solar panels on the white house?

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And today we are in the same distress over oil? Innovation seems more American than greed to me, I guess I'm wrong.




  1. The oil industry is rapidly approaching that definitive line where it becomes worth it to pay the cost to change over if you have lots of time for payback. They will keep the price right at that line. The farther north you live the shorter the payback period is so it becomes gratis after it's paid for from then onward!

  2. How much has it cut off the electrical bill?

  3. And Brazil is almost energy independent.  I agree, it's sad.

  4. it's more likely that they were absolutely useless.

    even today it wold take nearly a foot ball field full of solar panels to power a house as big and tech filled as the white house and in the late 70's the solar panels were not even 100th as efficient as the modern ones.

    I think that goes to show more the futility of "liberal thinking" than "conservative greed".

    even if the roof was covered in panels it would barely have even enough power to illuminate a hallway closet.

  5. really?

  6. Jimmy Carter's words and policies toward energy independence are going to haunt the GOP for a long time.

  7. I'd like to see the source on the solar panels on the WH.

    As for just about all "Green Energy" ideas, they are impracticable, and need a vastly better way to work before they'll be adopted. People need to realize that few will change to  a "greener" lifestyle till it is at least closely equivalent to the price of a oil based lifestyle that the world lives now. Stuff like solar panels is just way too expensive to actually make it "green" and I'd want any person who attempted to use that type of system out of office for wasting my hard earned money.

  8. just shows how stupid we all really are. there are sooooo many alternative energy sources. but then again, if we used that, we would all be richer, cus light, wind, and rivers are free...

  9. You aren't going to get anywhere in terms of adopting alternative fuels and energy sources in your country when you have a leader who makes all of his money from oil.

  10. And when (if) solar electricity actually becomes cost-effective we will switch to it.

    I did the math for my home and discovered that even with the tax incentives - I will never get a solar power system to pay for itself.

  11. Yeah for Jimmy Carter, where is the cheese man?  As the price of oil rises solar power becomes more and more price effective.  My dream for the future, solar panels on the roof providing, heat/AC, lights and power for my electric hybrid car. The ability to sell power to my local utility company and bank the credits for cloudy days.

    The more solar systems that are sold the lower the price will be.  When the oil to power the generators at your local utility company hits $250.00 a barrel you will crying for solar  power.

  12. No.  Actually, some of us older Americans clearly remember the days of the gasoline lines and have continued to be environmentally conscious and tried to teach our children to do the same.  I think America can do more, but we also have to recognize that China and India, with huge populations, are emerging as high consumers of petroleum products as well.

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