
Isn't is wonderful that the Republicans have become Americans today?

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I have heard that statement at least 10 times today, from Republicans, including Laura Bush(whom I like by the way).




  1. hahahaha yes it is wonderful!

  2. Yeah,  I was noticing that too!  Apparently they believe that, overall, it's more important to be republicans, until a national disaster happens.  Only problem is the last 8 years of this administration have been a disaster, and they spent far too much time being republicans.  It's clear who they want to work to benefit, republicans, not americans.  

    Obama/Biden '08

  3. This is the Republicans atonement for the atrocious way they handled (and are still ignoring) Katrina victims.  The only bright light for their convention is that Bush and Cheney declined to appear.

  4. Yes, it is wonderful.

    Now we're still waiting for the Democrats to become Americans and quit demeaning our troops!

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