
Isn't is wonderful the KIDS are back in school and not making a mockery of yahoo answers?

by  |  earlier

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Well friends, at least we have about 8 hours a day, free from the kids and their ignorance and hate.




  1. I guess it won't be as bad as it has been, especially over the past several days.  It's still not very good and that leads me to believe there are a lot of jobless dropouts using mom's computer.  Most of the questions I've seen asked have little to do with intellect.

  2. yes

  3. Are you sure?  It's not just kids.  It's adults too.  But I make fun of some of the questions if they are stupid and not written in the normal English language.

    And I am on here because I am a stay at home Mom and my son is in preschool, so I am taking advantage of some time before I pick him up in 15 minutes.

  4. Don't you have a ....job?

  5. YEA!

    Actually, with the time zones, it's more like only 5 hours a day, but it's still nice not to have to read the poor grammar and stupid, rambling questions.


  6. hahah i havent started school yet not till thursday so i will be here to bug you till then!!!! mwah hahahaha!!!!!!!

  7. What makes you think all the ignorant morons are kids?  I've met plenty of ignorant and rude adults on here as well as in person.

  8. excuse me?

  9. I wouldn't know. I'm a kid.

    1. I haven't started school.

    2. I'm home schooled

    3. It's not hard to make a mockery of yahoo answers

    4. you're right. Most kids ask c**p about puberty and their own pubescent tendencies looking for sympathy or just to be told they're normal. I have to say though, I relate. I won't lie. I just don't tell the whole world about it.

  10. Wrong...

    So many of them are still here.

    Probably the ones who were expelled from school..

    Isn't it scary to think that they may eventually be the ones who run the country?

    Oh if we could only make abortion retroactive.

  11. Nah, there are liberal "adults" making a mockery of these boards.

  12. Ah hem, im a kid well if thats what u wanna call me im 12 and i dont make a mockery of yahoo answers why so mean i go back on thursday not today  

  13. Not sure ALL of them are, if the last question I answered was anything to go by!

  14. Yes it is rather nice..........but wait until 4:30

  15. a)school dusnt last for 8 hours

    b)most schools go back on wednesday

    c)u must av a really sad life if u wanna stay on yahoo for 8 hours

  16. LOL

    that is funny and partly true for me.

    My kids are not ignorant or hateful but others might be and yes it is great that I do not have to deal with that.

  17. How do you even rationalize that has a good question yourself, stop grasping at straws and making a "mockery" of this forum, toolbox

  18. I'm a kid and i don't make a mockery of yahoo answers. i think you need to get off the d**n computer and go to work. I think it would be wonderful if you left yahoo answers. thats what I THINK WOULD BE WONDERFUL

  19. Undeniably, kids between the ages 13-18 have contributed at least hundreds of thousands of legitimate sometimes outstanding answers for our yahoo community. Digging into this concept i think you could find "kids" are both inteligent and enlightining; specifically in topics adults (over 18) have trouble answering. This theory is scientifically proven because due to the waning of the cerebellum as age increases adult brains are sometimes less keen.

    watch who your talking to, im 13

  20. It won't stop them!

  21. "Back in School"  LOL!

    Nice  thot, but...c'mon, really?

    Don't give credit  where credit not deserved.  They may 'ought to be in school', but...

    it's just their 'escape'! -   i.e., giant plan to do whatever without the watchful eye of parents!  haha...

    Who's  foolin'  who here?

  22. Now it would also be wonderful if ignorant 'adults' would not make a mockery of yahoo! answers with questions such as these.

  23. i am a child and i really do kinda understand what your talking about, so many people take advantage of this for there own entertainment that its sickening, i mean, most people actually come here because they NEED help.

  24. Yeah, it's great......I of course am doing this instead of working...d**n.....

  25. You seem a bit strange to me.

    Although im not a kid.. most people on here are COMPLETE noobs.

    I understand the point in the site is to ask questions but some people ask the most stupidest of things...

  26. School lasts six hours a day for public education, thirty hours a week. Not eight a day.

  27. I'm not back at school yet.. and I would definetely like to think i'm not ignorant OR hateful xD

  28. they'll ask even more questions in their ICT lessons at skl


  29. NICE

  30. Yes.  

  31. After listening to the news this morning some prominent democrats said that the vile and vulgar attacks against Palin and her children from the left wing liberal bloggers are turning many democrats away. They have reported they are voting for McCain, both men and women.

    Soooo I say let them continue there spewing their sewage!

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