Yesterday, we were in a big hurry, but, my little girls had to go the the school for registration. They brought me a full sized male cat, tan and white. We are already taking care of 2 kittens, until our no kill shelter can take them. This cat was starving, had almost all of his whiskers ripped out, and the tip of his tail had been cut with what looked like scissors, a straight cut, dried blood on the end. As soon as we brought him in here, our big male cat started to attack him, with the babies behind him. I had to call Animal Control, cause we had to leave so fast. I still feel like I have a guilty concious...if more time would have taken him to no kill shelter, but, I am always saving animals. Just thought it was so mean....Kid's think they know who's cat it was, but, not quite sure??? Did I do the right thing?