
Isn't it a Disastrous Olympic Silver Medal Celebration?

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After 48 years of long & patient waiting for the 2nd Spore Olympic Medal... Here goes a disastrous anti-climax decision to be mixed in our Happy Cocktail!

Lee Bee Wah's announcement are simply childish and political! I understand all the sports contain plenty of politics within but she just just doesn't have to announce it at this timing to prove herself...

Moreover, the sub Team Spore (Table Tennis) is supposed to work as a team rather than drawing red tapes and pushing responsibility to each other? "If" one coach really didn't do his job well, then there are plenty of others who has follow the team there to remind each other or another.

From what we know is a simple time-management mistake that ended up like this. Is Anthony Lee totally to be blamed for this whole situation? What about managers who has also followed the team there using our SSC's fund? What about the Chief of Table Tennis Lee Bee Wah who are supposed to oversee the whole team TT? You mean she simply "delegate" everything to the coach and she just simply sit on the bench and cheer???

Is this what the SSC paying all these people for? And at the end of the day, one mistake spotted by Lee Bee Wah and use it to kick out someone who has been coaching our athletes throughout these long and hard times to get medal for Spore!

Why does this thing have to be announced at this time? Why can't they do it later & announce it after our celebration with our dear honoured athletes (coming back home)?? Is Anthony Lee solely to be blamed for this incident? Nobody else in the Team (TT) care about Gao Ning's match (including his fellow TT athletes)???? Is there team manager for TT??? What's the job of the Head of TT Team in this case??? (Sacking others??)

Sometimes I really doubt that women have the charisma to lead a sport team......




  1. Cool down and take a close look at the whole situation, the action taken and the implication to sports community and the nation.

    Look just very simple but a simple action will not solve this complicated problems in the Team S'pore/Table -Tennis sectior.

    There are other factors in the Team & the Association and totally show no good welfare & sports spirit-------where is the care towards coach & players, official & co-ordinator, the team's management staff and planner.  Hope all these matters were iron-out before we start-off the planning & management of the YOG for 2010.

    It is a SAD experience to overcome.  

  2. Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.  And I've never watched table tennis in my life.  It seems funny to me that its considered a sport.

  3. Hey. its not just about the timing!

    I must say I do not feel any happy or proud with the medal.

    BUT, the table tennis manager certainly deserve LOTS of credit for his effort. Very very hard work and journey to manage the team from zero to silver.

    And what? Just sacked the manager like that???!!!

    Ridiculous! Stupid! Idiots!  Thats what the top management is about.

    WHY DO WE NEED A NEW PRESIDENT in the first place?

    What did she do? knows that the team has matured and step in to smile to the press? take a free trip to beijing? bring in friends to share the limelight that she absolutely do not deserve or work for? Sit in the office and shake leg and handle manpower issue like a chess game?

    HUH!! If theres one thing to do now.. sack Lee Bee Wah. Full-stop.      

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