
Isn't it a bit disconcerting to think that we are related to Chimpanzees and other primates?

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After watching these heinous animals at the zoo, I sure wish we could say that we're more closely related to Leopards, or Dolphins, or just about any animal other than those that follow into the category of primates.




  1. I'm sure you more than likely are, but I and other Christians are not. But if the smell of a Baboon is what makes you think that just take a shower this week.

    Your family tree:

    You poor thing.

  2. umm, yes it is concerning. although some scientists also found evidence we might also be related to fish and some other sea sea dwelling creatures. and that is worse than a chimp.

  3. Genetics don't lie.  If you are concerned with behavior, I'm sure there are people who would consider your actions and life heinous.  Perspective is everything.

  4. I'd be more concerned with the idea that before that we were made from a rock mixed with rain that formed a pool and somehow life just popped out.  Wake up people!  This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. LOL

    Just My Thoughts!

  5. I am more disconcerted when i realize how absolutely frightening it is to be related to some people who ask questions here.

    You come to mind first.

  6. Not at all. If we were as closely related to any other animal, we wouldn't have hands and that would blow goats. Plus, besides us Chimps are the smartest animals out there.  

  7. Actually, if any of our relatives hung from trees it is undoubtedly because they were horse thieves, not because they were ape like creatures.

    People and lettuce are about 98% water.  Why are we so closely related to a vegetable.

  8. We're not related to any primates.

    We are people.  People are not animals.

    And "evolution" is a lie, and never happened.  

  9. Reality doesn't follow your wishes.  Sorry.  ;-)

  10. Chimpanzees are 94% like humans. They have really good short term memory as well. More advanced than ours.

    Paul M , your answer has so much stupidity in it.

  11. Why would that be an issue?  Technically, we are all related to each other.  Humans are the most heinous animals on the planet!  Take a look around you, read the newspaper, etc.

  12. Chimpanzees are nothing.

    Ever watched the bonobo? Their sexual practices are like a Friday night on any college campus.

  13. God made us humans, we have always been human.  He made humans to rule over animals.  I don't believe in evolution, it doesn't make sense.  I know for a fact god exists and that he created all, I don't need physical evidence.  That's were I think the whole evolution theory came from because people didn't have any faith at all and wanted to try to explain everything and deny gods existence.  They are now even trying to say we originally came from fish, how ridiculous is that!  

    Yes we are the most similar to primates but we did not come from them.

  14. Humans did not evolve from monkeys.  Nothing has ever proven that theory and never will.  How can you prove something that never happened?

    People that believe in this theory are just letting scientists do their thinking for them.  Evolution scientists are the worst cherry pickers of all.  They throw out evidence that goes against what they are trying to prove and keep the evidence that helps their causes.

    They can't even explain how the Big Bang happened.  A ball of nothing decided to compress, then explode into frictionless space.  If something explodes in space, which has NO friction, it will never come to a rest.  It will just keep going forever.  They can't explain what stopped anything.  They also can't explain the gasses that make up stars.  There is evidence that proves the earth, sun, and stars can't be millions of years old, but they look the other way at that.

    The Origin of the Species is the biggest joke of them all.

    Darwin questioned his own theory many times.

  15. No but it is concerning how Christians seem to display more of those primitive behaviours. Maybe they share more of the DNA than the rest of us?

  16. Not at all. Read some of what Jane Goodall has learned about chimps. I'm more disconcerted by some of the humans I am related too.  

  17. Biologically, there are HUGE numbers of closely related species, but that does NOT make the way one species acts have any bearing on how any other closely related species acts. That is like equating apples and oranges simply because they both are types of fruit.

    So, the answer to your question is: NO, it does NOT bother me, and I am at a serious loss as to why it bothers YOU.  

  18. I'd rather be related to chimpanzees than a lot of the humans I know.

  19. No, as I find that chimpanzees are often much more intelligent than some of the religious nutters that post here.

  20. I think that chimpanzees are better species than us humans, honestly.

  21. What's wrong with our fellow primates?  I.m proud to be related to them!

    What horrifies me is that I'm related to a large mass of humanity!

    PS. I always give Fireball an automatic thumbs-down!

    PPS. If reincarnation happens I want to come back as a Bonobo! Dirty little b******s!

  22. They are very intelligent animals, and very caring about family, it  wouldn't surprise me and also very protective of their young, obvious human qualities

    genetics indeed do not lie

  23. I have to agree, that it would be a lot cooler if we were related to leopards.

    Unfortunately, we can't pick our relatives.

    We can pick our noses, however.

    But you can't pick your relative's nose.

    Who made up these rules anyways?

  24. No it's not, we descended from a common ancestor. It's called evolution. Fireball how do you live with yourself? You're a freak

    hey Chris, news flash...Humans are animals. It would be extremely arrogant to think otherwise.

  25. Not if you actually understand why those connections are being made. Nobody ever said that man came from a monkey, not once. Well maybe Christians have, but not sciences.

  26. Every person has a little manatee in them.

  27. We are no more related to them than any other animal.  Similarities - oh heck yeah.  But we did not evolve from them and there is no proof that we did.

    Who is to tell God that he can't make similar creatures??

    Just as with the Neanderthal - we're not related to them but they are even more similar than monkeys to us in ways.

    God is mysterious and no one will ever figure Him out while we're alive. It's impossible.

    We take after God - plain and simple.  

  28. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.  If you find something about chimp behavior disturbing, I'll bet you find looking in the mirror equally difficult.

  29. Nope.  I find it amusing and humbling.  And by the way, basing your opinion of a particular species of animal upon what you see in the zoo is like basing your opinion of humans by what you see in the penitentiary.  That's not natural behavior, it's prison behavior.  Admittedly, Chimps can be savage and cruel.  So, as a cursory study of history will show you, can we.

  30. I'm more disconcerted to be related to the clowns doing the 700 club.  I'm very sincere about this.

  31. We are related to them. We share 98% of our DNA. And all our history is nothing but warfare same as Pan Troglodyte. The Bonobo chimps are more civilized than us.


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