
Isn't it a bit disrespectful when...?

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Christians refer to God as "The one true lord", its like their saying "d**n you and your religion, were right and your wrong!"

Cant they just say "Hey I have my god, you have yours and that's groovy"?




  1. hey, wouldnt it be stupid if we DIDNT think that our God was the one true God???

    we can say it, you dont have to believe it

  2. They think that everyone who does not believe is damned.  

  3. Its very disrespectful, but i mean christians arent the only ones who do it but i get youre point! People need to start respecting everyone else and not try to belittle or make theyre religion look better! No religion is perfect we all believe in what we choose to believe, its just keep it to youire self or dont insult others

  4. In my opinion it is disrespectful when anyone does that to another person.

  5. God is the one who calls Himself the One True Lord, The Only God, etc; so are you saying He is disrespectful because He knows who He is and He also says there is no other God, Is He stupid or ignorant? Christians are in agreement with God, and they believe Him. As far as damning another person, we don't have to do that because anyone who is not a child of God is already damned by God and so is their religion. Christians did not write the bible, God is the author of Holy Scripture.

    No everyone is not a child of God and the bible clearly teaches that. Those who do not belong to God are the children of the devil.

  6. No, a Christian can't just say "that's groovy" because they don't think it's very groovy at all that you don't know the Truth.  It wouldn't be very loving of them, as your neighbor, to just let you twist in the wind, would it?

  7. Its a good question. Certainly when I encounter good Christians they do give me the impression that they are superior in their beliefs. Since I know that they are not, this is actually quite funny. At least it would be funny if the history of past consequencies to this style of humor were not so serious.

    As Jews we are taught to respect others religions and not to try to tease them or to attempt to convert them. But the essential nature of Christianity comes from more heathen ideas and beliefs, one of which gives them still the right to feel superior. The modern Church outwardly is trying to change this but from the number of anti-sematic Christians arround, I would say that they have a long way to go in order achieve this worthy ideal.  

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