
Isn't it a disgrace? that the head of umpiring Jeff geischen has said that he has instructed umpires to.....

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protect certain named ball carriers. this is totally un fair and un acceptable,all umpiring decisions should be made on merrit regardless of who has got the ball -whats your thoughts?




  1. yeah had noticed this in general play, also noticed that if a big name player makes a tackle even if there is no prior oportunity the player holding the ball gets pinged for holding the ball, but if it is a big name player tackled with the ball then it is a ball up... what is with that?

    seriously over the whole discrepancies that are ruining my enjoyment of the game...

    Also a question to pose- do these name players know they are on the list?

    Do you think they want to be on the list, for the likes of players like johnathon brown, who i assume will be on the list, would be filthy at the umpires if they knew they were getting special treatment...

    reall who does it advantage to have such a list?

    does one or more teams have more than one player on the list, surely a side with 2 players on the list will gain a advantage over a team with no players or 1 player on the list, seriously they are setting themselves up for littigation from un happy punters if this is the case...

    going to pondering on this some more....

  2. I'm totallly filthy on this all players should be equal.

  3. if i understand what you are saying  its cheating

  4. No comment. You know how it is. Its bloody ridiculous.

  5. umpires r soooooooo dumb.... they s*** me soooo much like that bald guy hoo umpired the Carlton Collingwood game wat the h**l did he hav a Collingwood jumpa underneath his yellow shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  6. The rules are for all playes and no players should be protected.  I am sure if you asked every AFL player if they wanted protection 99.9% would say they wouldnt.  Protected players would become even more of a target.  If they dont stop messing with the game they will start turning fans off it.

  7. Can you let us know where you got that from pls?

    I will come back and check.

    I totally agree that all umpiring should be just that! Fair and right and true!

    Jeff G would not cut any deal like that plus it would be illegal!

    Sorry, I know it goes on now and then with a bit of money slipped here and there, in all sports, bot fair crack of the whip!

  8. all the protected players are all the interstate mob!

  9. yes i agree umpires should be making decisions on what happens on the field not who the ball carrier is or isn't

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