
Isn't it a little disrespectful for Yahoo not to have fixed the spell check to recognize Obama's name?

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A few minutes ago I was called a racist. now am I a hero?

I will not vote for either McCain or Obama. But it seems to me that he is a candidate for the Presidency and Yahoo has had plenty of time to fix the problem.




  1. YAY Omaha and Borden!.

  2. The upgrade they've done has actually made the spellcheck worse.  It tells me I've got misspelled words when I don't.  Don't expect it to be fixed anytime soon.  No wonder the deal to buy Yahoo fell through.

  3. Yes... I mean, it's not like "McCain" is an adjective that we use everyday... but his name goes through just fine...

    You do know, don't you, that Yahoo is owned by Republicans like Jerry Yang... who donated massively to the Bush campaign... right?

    Look it up on the Huffington Post - they have a thing called "Fundrace" on their website where you can put in anyone's name and find out who they donated to.

  4. I guess they just haven't heard of ABM I mean AMA I mean Obama

  5. They didn't put Obama on the spell check?  Oh, no!  That's just an outrage!  A scandal!  Clearly they loathe his rotten guts!  Oh, dear, that's just... That's just horrible!  How will Obamessiah ever LIVE?!  

    Whoever did this wrong doing should be punished by the hand of the Anointed One himself.  That's just sick and wrong.

  6. I still get not qualified and way you spell it  

  7. LOL..

    Yea.. It wants to "fix" both Obama and Biden.


  8. if it bothers you that much program it in your computer's own spell checker

  9. No, you should try to spell it right.  That's what school was for.

  10. Yahoo recognizes both the names Bush and Chaney but not Obama and Biden.To Yahoo these Democrats just do not exist.

    One could make the charge that Yahoo is RACIST and we all should send THEM a friggin VIOLATION NOTICE but Yahoo is known for it's double standards.

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