
Isn't it a ludicrous notion that time heals all wounds?

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Isn't it a ludicrous notion that time heals all wounds?




  1. seems to be...

  2. Its not ludicrous, its nature.. why would you grudge for something that cant affect you anymore? if you never heal, it means you fail as a human being

  3. The expression does sound ludicrous, but the sentiment behind the expression  is valid.

    Just as scars on our body cover up wounds, emotional wounds are covered up with time.  Physical scars are ugly at first, but - with time - they disappear; and with time we forget to look at those physical scars and with time we forget about those scars.

    Others may see a scar, that one has forgotten, and see something beautiful.

    This is not to say that we forget, because we never do, but it is to say that we don't dwell that scar and how we achieved it.

    PS.  To Katie:

    I have been raped and I will never forget it, but I cannot dwell on it.  Time has helped me.  I can either keep pulling the scab off or I can let it heal.  I choose healing.

  4. I recently asked a question,,on where does the emotions that you push down go..I gave best answer to this long winded guy,,as you put it.."but he edited it later" I believe unless I just read it wrong...but he said that emotion is in the present?

    I have never heard of that before? he said suppression is a Freudian concept? I felt like he was telling me what I wanted to hear,,that wounds don't really wound us unless they're fresh in our minds. I am a firm believer that time heals wounds. What I have been TAUGHT is that if you don't face it with tears,,it will come back for u to deal with later, in that told me to face things a little bit at a time,,and u should have gotten best answer, you're right, too much hurt all at once will overwhelm a person, and they'll just end up retreating.

       I have never been asked this question by anyone,,or even myself,,I have just blindly excepted the thought that time heals all. your right I am still angry about things that happened to me deep down, but on the outside I don't feel a thing, because it's forgotten..I have forgiven alot,,I couldn't live with myself if I didn't forgive, and alot of it I have forgotten too. How do you forgive though when they are still doing to you what you have forgiven them for..(even if it's still in your mind)It's still in there,,but I am not going to let it get me, I am stronger than that.

      so from a person who has done the work (me) to heal some wounds, I would say not ALL of them heal completely

  5. it hasn't helped with my wounds.

  6. Im still nursing mine after 10 months.........x

  7. I was one that thought my wounds would never heal. Even now some still hurt. But then again I cannot expect the pain of my daughter getting molested, my ex-husband leaving me for another woman, homelessness, being raped 5 times violently by my ex's friends,  2 pegnancies, a VIOLENT relationship ending with me in a shelter happening over the last 7 years to heal overnight.

       But I have learned that with God ALL things are possible. Once I let God take over the wounds and let Him heal me I found peace once again. Yes it was painful and there were issues that I had to deal with but slowly they healed.

       And just as medicine helps heal wounds so the the word of God, close friends and time healed mine. it still hurts now and again when I think about it or see my ex-husband and the now pregnant wife with him or it hurts when my knee hurts (caused from years of abuse) but the point is to keep going.

      Things happen in life that we may never understand or like. But it happens all the same. We must learn from them, and then go on, not stop and let that wound hold us back from all that God has ment for our lives. If we let the wounds hold us back then we only hurt  ourselves more and also those that love and care for us. Keep going forward and NEVER NEVER focus on the past. my grandmother would alsways tell me " You cannot change the past as much as you may want to, all you CAN do is change what IS so that what WILL BE is better then what WAS".

      Wounds heal in time, we never forget (one drawback of being human) but we can CHOOSE to keep going forward.

    Hope this helps and God bless

  8. Far as I know time really doesn't have that power.

  9. Time closes the wound, only don't keep looking at the scar.

  10. yea...

    if time healed all wounds, people wouldn't be bitter.

    it takes a lot to heal a wound, and it is definitely not done by ignoring it and letting time pass...

    the would kind of just becomes a scar...still there, still ugly, and still kind of painful.

  11. Let's put it in perspective, most wounds die with the people who would remember it from personal experience.  I am not sure if it could be called healing, but they do eventually disappear when the time comes...

  12. I think so.

    I have a very hard time getting over some wounds that were highly emotionally damaging, and don't think I ever will.


    Ask this question to someone who's been raped, and I'm most certain they'll say 'no'.

  13. No. Because time does heal all wounds. But you do have to let it do the job.

    If you don't allow the healing then nothing short of God can heal you. It's a two way street you know...

  14. Perhaps, if the conventional use of the saying was in a literal universal sense.

    But the saying is an adage. It is unlikely that any person who has been repeatedly exposed to this saying interprets it in a literal universal sense.

  15. Not all wounds.  But some.  And no, it isn't ludicrous.

  16. Not at all....what time does is act as a band-aid on the is can't feel the pain as bad because you keep it covered and protected...but it is still be opened if uncovered...

    is everything ok you guys.....?

  17. Time may eventually heal all wounds, but the scars will still be visible.

  18. time just masks the pain...kinda like childbirth.

    If we remembered how much it hurt we wouldn't ever do it more than once....

    We pretend to be guarded while waiting for something,anything that will make us feel that alive

    even if it rips us in two......

  19. It's called "False Hope".

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