
Isn't it about time to say goodbye to the 'n' word?

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A lot of hype over this African American slang term - used by many black comedians, rap artists etc. Seems to be taboo for any other race to use it. My argument stands that this ugly word has no place in society regardless of race considering its origins. This guy seems to be on the wavelength.

Your opinions?




  1. I never seen the sense in the use of it. I try my best not to use that word. I mean the origin is horrible enough. Then to change the spelling to make it something positive but when someone outside the race uses it, all h**l breaks lose. That's a double standard to me. And not too many realize that. They have been programmed to think that its ok to use it, as long as its done in the rigth way and by the right group of people. Get outta here.

    I dropped that word out of my vocabulary. And any black person who see's no problem with using it needs to be slapped. I know a lot of black people will disagree with me but I don't care. Think about it you don't see white people saying "What's crackin, crakka" or hispanics saying "What up my, Sp*c" Seriously >_<

    "Oh it's just a word. It doesn't mean anything" That's load of BS. Words have meaning. If words actually didn't have meaning, than verbal communication would be pointless.

  2. We can get rid of all the words deemed to have negative connotation from the world, but it won't change  peoples attitudes.  Black comedians thinks that by saturating the media with the word n would destroy it's significations.  The word is not the problem it is how we use it that is the big problem.  Ever since going for holiday in spain I have become more confident in the meaning of the word.  Also perhaps education could help to eradicate ignorance and prejudices that exist in the world.  Any word such a muslim, christian is as bad as the word niger.  

  3. I am an African American and I believe we should say goodbye....Does it make a tough? No......Does it make us cool? No......I am getting tired of that word..That's why this world needs to change.....Racism should be over and done with but its not

  4. Personally I try my best not to use the term directly towards another person. But it is in my favorite hip hop (not to be confused with "rap") songs. As much as the word is used, I find it almost impossible to terminate the word. Its funny to me that the people who coined the term in America seem to have more people against it (Whites). Its ironic that someone who couldn't be a N***** gets upset when the person who could be a N***** uses it. However, I think that the 'N'-Word is an issue within the African American community. White people, Asian people aren't being called N******s so they shouldn't necessarily have a problem with it. Plus they have no reason what to say the word anyhow. Its an ugly word that the African American community needs to abolish on its own accord since it is most closely associated with our "race". I can't offer any solution than to stop saying it altogether.

  5. Well you should know about freedom and speech and I'm black and many white people think of the word as saying a bad word but to us the word has many meanings. Some say it as a joke you know when they say it they are actually referring to themselves it can be used in a bad way but it doesn't affect most blacks beacause we know what we are even though the word isn't respectful but taking the word away would be like the government saying we can't say hello.

  6. It's time we got rid of the oft used 'f' word.

  7. While the word is vile.  To eliminate a word from the lexicon because people don't like it is pretty Orwellian.  I'd rather keep it.

  8. Now a days the n word is not only used on African people.

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