
Isn't it amazing how Sarah Palin has retained her composure through this horrible media blitz?

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You've got to admit, she's been slammed by a frenzy of tabloid trash reporters and rabid paparazzi and hasn't wavered...




  1. You Republicans sure complain about the media a lot.  

    She gets three days of bad press because of a fact (her daughtet IS pregnant), and you're shocked and offended.  Obama gets a solid year of unrelenting lies told about him by rightwing outfits, and he doesn't complain once.  Interesting, the comparison.

    (Terms of Service answer:  no)

  2.   now thats funny.  Maybe its because the reublicans won't let her talk to reporters util they get her trained right on what they want her to say.

  3. she's tough

    having 5 kids makes you strong


  4. She folded quicker than her daughter with all this pressure.

  5. Just wait, she opened a can of worms that she should have kept closed last night. Its going to get much, much worse and of course the republicans will blame the democrats for all of it. Nothing new there.

  6. You have to admit having a mother of five youngsters, one of them pregnant unmarried and 17 is a novelty.  No she hasn't wavered, but I wonder if her kids have?  I don't think, as a mom myself, I could do that to my kids at this particularly fragile time in their lives.

    She going to be traveling, and involved in her own life when they need her the most.  Yes they have their dad, but even hes not looking too cheerful, maybe he doesn't like it that his daughters business is all over the news.

    I don't feel right about that, she can't be so naive that she didn't know the storm that announcement would cause, and yet she accepted anyway.  Shes got lots of composure, I just wonder if she has too much ambition, and not enough empathy for her family.  New special needs infant, son in Iraq, daughter pregnant.  Fair or not, any mother would tell you that the kids come first, except here.

  7. whatever, the whole media is giving her more attention

    No PR is a bad PR

    its getting to people to talk about her all the time

    just fliiping through my news channel and everybody is like Palin this Plain that

    its F-ing annoying

  8. She's an amazing woman. She may be President some day.

  9. And yet another reason why she's receiving the admiration that she's getting.  The average person isn't stupid (although the MSM would like us to think that), and the more they smear, the more we rally, it simply makes us stronger.

    Most people would have buckled and even some idiots online started a betting ring as to how long she'd last.  I hope that big bucks are lost by many!  She deserves the admiration for being strong, smart, and no pushover.

  10. I dont think its amazing at all... She has been in the spotlight for like a week with 3 days of negative exposure. Obama has been getting lied about and smeared for over a year and i haven't heard him complain once. Even McCain complained and said the media was in love with Obama. So to answer your question, no, its really not impressive at all.  

  11. I think the liberal media was hoping she would crack and tear them apart live . She got her point acrossed very composed and diplomatically ,I am certain they woke up with a hang over this morning .

    She is excellent and an awesome choice that is why they are slinging slander at her, Making it sound like she is a horrible vindictive, mean ......hey wait......that is them . guess your thoughts really do reflect your actions.

    She is strong and secure and knew what it was when she took it on , and they are beside themselves just digging for the next lie.  

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