
Isn't it amazing that so many Republicans approve of Palin when?

by Guest33654  |  earlier

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When 95% of McCain's supporters don't even know who she is, what she really stands for and don't even question how and why she was picked?

Newsflash: McCain met her one or two times. They really think it was his choice to pick her. He was TOLD to pick her by his three biggest advisors. Bush, Cheney and Rove. Something fishy is going on and this whole situation smells foul.




  1. I have 2 words for you: LOCK STEP


    Their is no way they can make me believe that they are not Concerned about this Pick, I thought National Security was a Big deal to Republicans, Palin just got a Passport last year and has been overseas 1 time, other than her own state which, being that is Alaska she has to be out of touch with the Problems that face Mainland America, As well as 2 wars, the Problem in Georgia, Iran's hard headed desire to obtain a nuclear weapon, Darfur, and on and on and on. This is no time for a Project, Her Own Mother-in -Law says that Palin had not decided if she was voting for McCain yet,and was a fan of Obama. Obama has more Employees and Volunteers in his Campaign, that Alaska has in Population.  

  2. She was picked because she holds EXTREMELY right wing views.  This is John McCain's attempt to shore up the Republican base--the evangelical right--which were poised to vote for Libertarian Bob Barr or other write in candidates on the far right.  Because McCain is largely seen as a non-conservative (due to his bipartisanship on several issues), he has had to turn the wheel to the far right to rev up his base.  Sarah Palin, who in no way is qualified (even according to Alaska's two top newspapers), is as right wing as they come--she opposes birth control, abortion (even in the case of rape or incest), etc.  Additionally, McCain thought that he could pick up more of the "disaffected Clinton" vote just because Palin has XX chromosomes.  This turned out to be a fatally flawed supposition.

  3. I liked the fact that 1. She is the FIRST female VP nominee and the future could be very interesting.  2. She is NOT some Washington "lackey" and sewer infected politician like ALL the others. She's NOT a Senator.

      Now twist your question around and ask HOW and WHY Dems and Hillary supporters have gone to such extreme lengths, to attack, smear and denigrate her, WITHOUT knowing anything about her.

      And THIS, within an hour after she was appointed.  Don't say that about her supporters, without looking to YOUR detractors.  

  4. The better she knew McCain, the less we'd like her....

    You still don't get it....

  5. You are going are to mainly hear about their blind and undying support.  They are rarely critical of their party.  Some even believe that Bush is the best president to ever grace the Oval Office.

    McCain could have picked someone that no one knew, and the republicans would have lovingly embraced his pick.

    His pick is a poor choice and a sign of desperation.

  6. absolutely amazing

    those Fox Noise aka all Republican bias all the time

    pundits are making fools of themselves praising this women whom they have little if any knowledge about

  7. And until the Democratic primary nobody knew a thing about Obama, I had never heard of him before the primaries.

  8. It's about as amazing as so many democrats fawning over Obama without knowing who he is.

    I believe the first time Biden met Obama, he told the world that Obama isn't ready to be President.  And the second time Biden and Obama met, Biden launched into a racist tirade, calling Obama the first articulate black man.  Who do you think told Obama that he had to pick Biden.  That goes beyond forgiveness.  Forgiveness would be going to Bidens house for a dinner party.

    Since when is, "Your vice president is less experienced than our President" even a valid argument?

  9. Palin sued Bush because he included polar bears on the endangered species list and she feared that would inhibit drilling for oil in Alaska.  I doubt if he wanted her.

  10. Unlike Democrats, we research our candidates

    Not so hard when you have access to google.

    And we like what we have found....  Glad you asked.

  11. Republicans have more common sense and better judgement, that is why.

  12. fyi replulicans r retards

  13. When her and McCain lose in November they're going to really let them have it.  

  14. Unlike Republicans, democrats make "smart" choices based upon "results".  Republicans call their due diligence on candidates - listening to Rush Limbaugh.  Again, Republican party is the one that has tanked the US economcy for the past 8 years, created a national debt that is in the triple trillions, caused America's jobs to be shipped abroad (very rapidly), slid in back door legislation that caused the housing/foreclosure crisis, turned back the clock on women's reproductive rights, and took away our right to privacy.  

    And, now they want to hand over our country to Mr. Magoo and Clueless.  This should demonstrate to you that Republicans are idiots and so are those who vote for them.  Hold on to your seats, 'cause it's going to be a bumby ride.

  15. It goes to show that the republicans on Y!A vote for party only....They don't care about America. Who's being non-patriotic now?

    Obama/Biden 08

  16. HELLO,

    i dont know her and i also did not know obama my vote was for hillary clinton so know my vote does not get cast but for as paline whom ever she is she is just as less know as obama and they blasted him for being unknown

    the replublicans should whatch what they say untill november about being unexperienced now that mcain picked her

           PERSONALLY i dont discrimante so i dont have much to say bad about anyone there are some issues i agree on with both dems and reps i dont believe in abortion and i dont think that the same s*x should get married but i dont want our troops in iraq either

         so in the case that i feel this way i will not vote because i dont know who ould do a better job      SUZIE WVA      

  17. Yeah its amazing that someone that nobody knows could run for the highest office in the land. Hmmmmm.....sounds familiar.......

  18. Her record speaks for itself. When picking a running mate she doesn't need to be your best friend, just clear on the issues and in-line with yours.

    Show me proof of anything you've claimed and maybe you'll have an argument.

  19. Hey, We can read all we have to do is look at her record and her life style. Palin is the real deal..

    Again the Demo-craps never saw this one coming. Completely broadsided. All the planning, and all the campaign ads made now have to be redone. Everything has to be rethought.


  21. McCain is REALLY down in the polls, this was just an attempt to shake things up. Based on what I've seen, Palin won't get conservatives to the polls and will lose he votes as this will be seen as shallow condescending to women.

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