
Isn't it amusing how afraid McCain supporters are now? ?

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They lost their main argument. McCain's VP pick has less total political experience than Obama and no foreign policy experience. Now they are scrambling to show that being governor somehow makes up for that and in general it isn't working.

What are they going to do now?




  1. [Obama supporter, yesterday]: Experience doesn't matter.

    [Obama supporter, today]: But your #2 has WAY less experience than our #1, and that has to count against you.

    Republicans will continue to play the experience card.

    Democrats will continue to play the "more of the same" card.

  2. Actually I'm not afraid of a Democrat Victory since I watched the Demo National Convention.

    They promised to give Corporations still more tax cuts. (in hopes of them not sending the jobs away)

    The pledged to stay in Iraq as long as Al Queda is there. So they are going to stay in Iraq.

    I really shouldn't have doubted the two party system.. It's Coke and Pepsi,, either way it's still just cola.

    Yup.. Obama is going to be business as usual with that Washington insider Biden keeping him on a leash.

    Let's Go Status Quo!  

  3. i disagree

    they've already shown that a governor for only two years has considerably more experience than obama and she is only applying for the vice presidents job

    how skewed in the democrat ticket when the experienced politician is playing second fiddle to a junior senator ,,,,,exactly what has he run/achieved?

    i think it is the democrats that have been wrong footed - and now they are sorry for dissing hillary ......

  4. Well, the first thing they had better do is explain how Palin could tell all those people (upon her appearance following the announcement of her selection as VP) that she did NOT support that "Bridge to Nowhere" when there is tape where she DID support the "Bridge to Nowhere."  Picking Palin was a cheap way of getting some disgruntled Hillary voters at any cost...even if it means choosing an inexperienced ex-beauty queen!  I'll take Obama's experience and judgment over Palin's any day, and with McCain's age and past illnesses, her selection as VP just may be as important as Obama's selection as President!

    The extent of her foreign affairs experience is hunting moose that may have accidentally wandered in from Canada and turning them into mooseburgers!  I just hope her aim is better than Cheney's.  I wonder what Bullwinkle would think. LOL

  5. if they have any brains, they vote for Obama.

  6. Yeah McCain supporters are scrambling to justify her existence as VP.  I don't think Mc had much say in the matter.  He would have preferred his buddy Lieberman so they could play chess in the oval office and pretend to be governing.  Much the same as the last 8 yrs.  Oh well, she will benefit from the publicity and go on.  He will hopefully disappear to Arizona and the sooner the better.  I hear that the hot air is wonderful for embalming the living.  Look at the pharaohs.  

  7. Well now, let's not forget Palin's vast experience that qualifies her in the all-important foreign policy category. After all, Alaska is geographically right up there within arm's reach of Russia, as one Republican said today.  

  8. I find it amusing that Obama supporters are trying to forget that Obama is running for president with little experience and Palin is running on the VP ticket with so-called little experience. Which had you rather have, a president with little experience or a vp with little?

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