
Isn't it an interesting psychological problem that where as- just about any question?

by Guest60568  |  earlier

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asked in Yahoo Answers can be answered better and quicker by a Google Search and yet people still prefer to ask their question here. My theory is that people do it because they need to make personal contact with other people. Yahoo Answers allows one's need for personal contact (even though its via cyberspace) to be met (if not fullfilled) in safety and anonynimity. If people were just searching for answers there would be no use for Y/As. Any comments?




  1. You are right.

  2. I think you're right.  It is the contact but it is also to read different opinions and approaches, the rich tapestry of...well, Yahoo Answers.

  3. Personal opinions about very specific and unique subject matter and situations are difficult to collect via a search engine.

    Most are not looking for facts; they are looking for an opinion which they can embrace and apply.

    And what you said too.

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