
Isn't it apparent that NBC is biased with it's Olympic coverage w/ the sports/athletes they broadcast?

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NBC Biased




  1. No, NBC is not biased in Olympics coverage.  They have been right.  Everyone is always trying to cheat Americans.  If you are arguing that there is liberal media bias in elections, then yes I agree with you as they always cheat our fine Republican candidates.  But, in the Olympics, no.  There has been no bias.  They have been correct.  US has been cheated in every womens gymnastics competition so far.

    Go USA!!!

  2. The coverage is totally biased.  NBC has exclusive broadcast rights and those should not be abused.  Gymnastics is a clear example of the commentators whining and making up excuses whenever a USA gymnast doesn't get a medal or, heaven forbid, a gold medal.  However, when world champions from other countries don't win, it was just bad luck.

    It really is sickening that they harp and harp on the tie breaking procedures and judging, when everyone is being judged by the same people and it is not all Chinese judges.  It really takes away from the wins of the other countries and in a few cases the announcers actively degrade the other competitors, going as far as to ask "do you think she believes she deserves the gold?"

    The amazing thing is that the arrogance that must be driving the notion that the USA can only lose if they were cheated is so deep seated that none of the announcers even realize they are doing it.

  3. i think they are born bias all americans live in a box and cant see the rest of the work that his holding them all together.

    they only want their sports personal to win and be on tv when another country wins and the american looses why is it that the looser is given the stage and the camera also the mike and the winner you have to go to another country's tv show to see the actual winner.

    that is why they are loosing key spots in sports look at Usain Bolt he is the fastest man where is the g*y guy tyson lol lol lol  

  4. They're just covering their *** trying not to offend any one group and appeal to the masses of America.

    I think beach volleyball is a sport and a hater non-athlete will say anything physically competitive isn't a sport. But I am sick of seeing it along with rowing and swimming.

  5. GO JAMAICA!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, NBC's coverage is blatantly biased.

    Last night, I saw some gymnastics going on, and the commentators sounded as if they were rejoicing when a non-US gymnast made mistakes....all because it would mean a silver for the US gymnast. I know that they have to be happy for their country, but please man....not so blatant! They rejoiced in another country's failure - they should be the professionals right?  I know that I would love to see every country return home with a medal!

    I am a Jamaican, and if I were a US citizen, I would be so ashamed. I am so glad that I do not live in the US - I am sure that all immigrants are not very happy right now with 'THE GREAT USA' - more specifically NBC.

    BIG UP JAMAICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'We are no ordinary people'

  6. I watch NBC for coverage of my country, the U.S., biased, nope. I love it.

    change the channel if you don't like it.

  7. I think the broadcasters are VERY BIAS, and I think they try to make up excuses for why the U.S. team isn't doing so well. Unfit judges, under-aged gymnasts... the list goes on, how about our country just except defeat this round and work harder on 2012. And from the last response, did you check the difficulty score?? Obviously the Chinese girl's routine was a lot more challenging, and bad-mouthing on Bulgaria is just rude and unsportsmanlike. The U.S. didn't just lose to the Chinese. We lost to Romania too, and during the women's team event one of our gymnasts fell twice. We need to get over our excuses and work harder for 2012 with some class and good sportsmanship.

  8. I can attest that NBC is biased based on the 100, 200 & 400M events in Track & Field where the cameraman only focuses on the US athletes while the guys in the booth talk only about them like the race is between Americans only. These races are not about Americans only. There's a reason why the games are called The Olympics, its a global event. Yesterday (Aug 18) the TV listings showed that NBC would air the 3000M steeplechase in prime time, i had my DVR set from 8p-12m. I ran through the whole recording with not a single mention of it. What was shocking was when one of the women in the Pole Vault was getting ready to pole, in the background was the Kenyan running a lap of honor for the 3000M race NBC failed to air!!  

  9. Tim Daggert==the biggest clown and how dare he call judges "incompetent" and no experienced?

    Bela==Okay tonight but sometimes a bit rational on the Sacramone case which he doesn't seem to understand the meaning of high difficulty of Cheng Fei overtaking the bronze to Sacramone.


    Well, go back and listen to Tim Daggett's comments during the routines of the three medalists. For the Chinese gold winner, he points out "wow a major deduction" and a fault on the landing. For Nastia, he points out a leg separation and another major deduction in which he says she is "nowhere near vertical" and "if the judges want to they could take off a lot".

    He got .933 deductions and Nastia got .966 He wins.

  10. I think they are biased with commentating as well.

  11. I don't think they are biased at all! And tim dagget is right about the judging! They are inexperienced. There aren't allowed to be judges from the countries of the athletes on the floor, and because china, the US, and russia, and romania are the main countries competing in gymnastics, they are having to use judges from countries like south africa, new zealand, BULGRIA? countries that have never won medals or even qualified in that event! The judges are definitely in expierenced. Like last night for the uneven bars, the method of the tiebreaking was all right, all the math was right, it was the judges! New zealand took off a full point on liukins routine and only 8 tenths on He Hexin's! Are you blind? Just proving how bad they are! They are missing all these deductions that were so obvious. And on vault in the team finals, with alicia sacramone, the chinese gymnast beat her and knocked her out of medal position!! first of all her hands were crooked and one was in front of the other on the table, she jumped on the board sideways, and she landed on her knees and fell forward on to her hands. All Alicia had was a small step with hers. What is that? This judges are so terrible! And with Bela, he understands about the higher difficulty, but that doesn't batter when you totally botch your routine! They should have torn that apart and they just didn't. So no. NBC isn't biased, they are right

  12. I think all broadcasts by thier own country are biased...i mean, its normal...National pride?


    I noticed how NBC goes out of its way and slanders China about the allegations and scores and history like it was a highlight reel..

    I mean, comon.......propaganda much?

  13. This question has been asked here many times.  Please check YA search for an answer if you are truly interested in one.

  14. Well, I'm not sure which part of being biased you are speaking about.

    If you are talking about them only featuring U.S. teams, I don't think that is being biased because they are a U.S. television station. On being biased based on their reporters commentaries, then yes, I totally believe they are being biased. The comments of those reporters seems to be exaggerated at times. It's really ironic, a news station which is supposed to maintain its integrity by reporting unbiased news is, itself, biased. People tend to accept it freely too, citing that it is an american news station so it's normal for them to be a little biased. Excuse me to that reasoning, but no matter what the station is, whether it's for britain, united states, russia, etc. they are supposed to maintain unbiased reports. And people who easily believe those news reported by a biased news station are meant to be called fools.

  15. If by that you mean they show American athletes in prime time on an American network, then yes.

    I don't understand why beach volleyball is on every night, though.  That's not even a real sport, let alone an Olympic one.

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