
Isn't it awesome how subtle the FOX News propaganda can be?

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  1. It is awesome. Fox was just putting the photos as back to original condition as possible. Isn't it awesome how people like Michael Moore take fact and twist it. Even more how he purposely lies and sells it to people like you. Youre concerned about photoshop and cartoons, while we are concerned about national security and oil prices.

  2. What was that?  Did you say "fair and balanced"?  Yeah, right...

  3. Wow, and really crappy Photoshop jobs, too.

    Faux News: We Distort, You React.

  4. Lmao

  5. I love how FOX defenders gripe about how they're concerned with national security and oil as though that somehow justifies their actions. If their concern for (white people's) national security and (stealing) oil was valid, they wouldn't have to stoop to such idiotic tactics.

  6. Hidden Secrets of Fox News Propaganda:



  7. Fox might be subtle but at least they do not out right lie to the people like the "main stream" media does everyday.

  8. It's more disturbing than anything...

  9. What?  A Media Matters attack on Fox News?  What a shocking expose!

  10. isnt it awesome how subtle the liberal media propaganda is in almost every other news station?

  11. Every other station is liberal, spreading their liberal bias.  But when Fox News has conservative bias, then it's called "propaganda?"

    And those photos were so sloppily doctored that there is no way they could have been trying to pass it off as real!

    I suspect some doofus was messing with the photos & accidentally entered the wrong ones intto the line up for airing!  

    Any way, whether is was a lame attempt at humor or a stupid mistake, it was VERY un professional & the guy responsible might very well not be working there anymore!

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